Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Women s Rights Movement - 874 Words

From 1848 to 1920, the women’s rights movement demonstrated the first true act of feminism, founded by a group of women rights activists to combat against women’s suffrage in the United States. By the 1960’s radical feminists also known as the woman’s liberation movement once again took up the fight for equality amongst men and woman, yet by the late 1990’s early 2000’s it had begun to change, losing its primary focus of fighting for a woman’s right, and becoming a burden on women today. The blowback from feminism has left todays women to suffer the consequences, as they now find themselves struggling more than ever to keep finical stability, keep a family, and get treated with respect. Twenty –first century women are finding it an uphill battle to maintain both gender roles as a result of the feminist movement. They are now taking responsibility for both the provider and the nurturer, struggling more than ever to obtain and ke ep a better quality of life. Feminism has aided in equal employment opportunity, fighting to get women accepted into the job market, and what originally started as women empowerment turned into women entrapment, directly resulting in the number of females living in poverty disproportionately to the number of men. Women rights activists used to slander social structures that promoted careerism, are now advising women to lean in. â€Å"Women don’t belong in 12-hour-a-day executive positions† (Kay Ebling 170), a woman’s natural biologicalShow MoreRelatedThe Women s Rights Movement702 Words   |  3 Pagesthat the women’s rights movement in the United States failed to accomplish its goals in the early –mid 19th century because the slavery issue was never resolved is unfounded. In the early-mid 19th century, women began to demand change in American society, as they challenged the traditional roles of women politically, socially, and economically. - political, social, and economic change {Challenged the traditional views of women - pushed the boundaries – public sphere/life of women changed dramaticallyRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1659 Words   |  7 Pagesmen and women, the women’s rights movement in Pakistan has just begun. People are starting to protest against discriminations that women face in their daily lives that disable them from having a voice in society. Some of these discriminations involve men being able to divorce their wives without her consent, women’s voices having half the weight of a man’s in court, and female heirs inheriting less money or property than a male heir (â€Å"Sharia†, 9). Groups like the Pakistani Women’s Rights OrganizationRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement Essay987 Words   |  4 Pagesthat occurs is that women were never given the opportunity to voice their opinion on what kind of job that they should do. In addition, voting at this point of time for women was quite impractica l. The wartime was a difficult time for women who wanted to capitalize on an opportunity. They wanted a job to prove to men that they are much stronger. However, there was hope when the U.S. woman’s rights movement began. A woman by the name of Elizabeth Cady Stanton started the movement at Seneca Falls, NewRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1366 Words   |  6 PagesWomen’s Rights Movement The equality women have today did not just happen over night.In this passage there will be evidence of an impowering fight that women over came to say WE ARE IMPORTANT TO!! All the brave strong women that fought this battle, along with the obstacles women still face today.Also the surprising fact that women’s rights also consists of racism and sexual orientation.This movement was necessary, and is truly an accomplishment in history. The first outbreak of confidentRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1091 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican history, women have constantly been suppressed. It was believed overall that women were not supposed to work, but to stay home, cook, clean, make clothes, and take care of the child(ren). Basically, a woman was considered her husband’s property. It was not until 1920s that women were finally able to get the rights they deserve, such as birth control, new divorce laws, and ultimately the right to vote, which was the main focus of the Women’s Rights Movement. This movement consisted of manyRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1547 Words   |  7 PagesFlorida SouthWestern State College The Women’s Rights Movement What was the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention on the Women’s Rights Movement? Jennifer Flores AMH2010 Mr. Stehlin 16 November 2015 The Women’s Rights Movement began in 1848 with the first assembly of women and men gathering to discuss the civil, social, and other conditions of women. The Seneca Falls Convention was the start of the women’s movement. The two women who organized this event were Lucretia Mott andRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1420 Words   |  6 Pageswomen’s rights movement in the United States in the early –mid 19th century did not fail to accomplish its goals, as slavery was not an issue women wanted to resolve (address?) In the early-mid 19th century, some women began to demand change in American society (as they challenged the traditional roles of women politically, socially, and economically?) -political, social, and economic change {challenged the traditional views of women - pushed the boundaries – public sphere/life of women changedRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1620 Words   |  7 Pageshas improved over the last several years in the broader culture and by police, self-blame and shame has persisted among victims, leaving them just as unwilling to come forward.†(Gray. para. 10) The women’s rights movement is still going strong, and there have been major accomplishments for women within the last several decades. In 1968, the fair housing act made it no longer possible for a woman to be turned down by a landlord based solely on her being female. In 1986, the legal definition of ‘sexualRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement881 Words   |  4 PagesThe Women’s Rights Movement, 1848–1920 1. â€Å"The first gathering devoted to women’s rights in the United States was held July 19–20, 1848, in Seneca Falls, New York.† 2. Principal organizers : Elizabeth Cady Stanton (a mother of four, the Quaker, abolitionist ) 3. Social and institutional barriers that limited women’s rights: family responsibilities, a lack of educational and economic opportunities, and the absence of a voice in political debates. 4. Stanton and Anthony created the National WomanRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1813 Words   |  8 PagesOver a hundred years ago, one event created chaos among gender roles and here are some of the initial factors of how rights for women started as a predicament which later began to evolve into a much larger problem that involved many people around the nations. Over the course of history, many issues had change the world to what it has become today. Many problems led to social, economic, and other changes. One small event is able to cause more obstacles, which eventually leads to larger complications

Monday, December 16, 2019

English 101 Free Essays

Although Mantsios does not focus on the Horatio Alger myth as does Harlon Dalton, both authors concern themselves with seeing beyond the myths of success to underlying realities. Compare the ways these two writers challenge the American mythology of success. Do these two authors complement each other or do you see fundamental disagreements between them? Whose approach do you find more persuasive, insightful, or informative, and why? For your post, you can choose to respond to any one of the above prompts. We will write a custom essay sample on English 101 or any similar topic only for you Order Now America historically owns the reputation of being the land of opportunity, and for generations immigrants have fled to the United States to experience the freedom and equality our government lays claim to. At the root of this reputation is the American Dream, the belief that with hard work anyone can succeed based solely on his or her merits, and is believed to be [American Dream] blind to race, sex, or socioeconomic status, conversely, repeated examples and statistics of the lower-classes, those continually facing the harsh reality that opportunity and equality are just myths, only prove the opposite. The truth of the matter is that influence of a class on an individual’s identity is greater than many would like to perceive. The main reason for this misconception is the fact that everyone wants to hear what they can accomplish and not what factors stand in their way, keeping them far from reality. The idea of what factors affect identity, and most importantly, what are the underlying realities of the American mythology of success has been touched upon by many writers, among them are Gregory Mantsios in â€Å"Class in America† and Harlon Dalton in â€Å"Horatio Alger. Even though these two writers have confronted the last topic [American mythology of success] in different ways complementing each other, I still believe that Gregory Mantsios has been more persuasive, and insightful on his approach. To prove that the American Dream is not equally attainable to all, and can only be a myth to the lower classes Mantsios provides many examples and statistical data. Many American believe that despite some economic differences, America is a â€Å"middle-class† society, and most have the means to live comfortably (306), however, as Gregory Mantsios point out, â€Å"There are enormous differences in the economic standing of American citizens† (Mantsios 308) â€Å"†¦. The middle class in the United States holds a very small share of the nation’s wealth and that share is declining steadily† (Mantsios 309). Education is known to be the key to success. However, due to unequal education in America, children are given dissimilar opportunities to achieve the American Dream. A study conducted by Richard de Lone of the Carnegie Council on Children revealed the effects of different learning conditions when he found a direct relationship between social class and scores on standardized tests such as the SATs (Mantsios 315). Fifteen years after the original study, College Board surveys expose statistics that continue to prove, â€Å"The higher the student’s social status, the higher the probability that he or she will get higher grades† (Mantsios 315). These examples and others are quickly used by Mantsios to establish facts on the American Dream myths, making his argument even more accurate. On the other hand, Harlon Dalton in â€Å"Horatio Alger† present his arguments base solely on the essay â€Å" Ragged Dick† by Alger. Although his difference of opinion is strong, it is still less persuasive, and consequently does not go further than just that [opinion]. Dalton first claims that a individuals success in life cannot be determined by that individual himself. He argues that racism and judgment have an influence on the success that a person can achieve in his lifetime. He introduces Stephen Carters â€Å"best black syndrome† saying that blacks are being recognized for being the â€Å"best black† as if they were competing against each other rather than against everyone (273). He [Dalton] also disagrees with Alger’s argument saying that everyone can reach his or her own true potential. Dalton, however, states that due to some economic circumstances, many people are never able to reach their true potential (274). Although all Dalton’s arguments are fair, and well presented, considering an audience like myself who have somehow experienced the social and income inequality in the United Sates, he would still need to enrich them with more stadistical as research evidence in order for him to bring the message to every individual from every social status. How to cite English 101, Essay examples English 101 Free Essays Linda Nguyen English 101 Three years ago my life changed dramatically. I was in college pursuing my bachelor’s for registered nursing when I found out I was pregnant. Right then I felt my dreams slip from under me. We will write a custom essay sample on English 101 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The scholarship I had worked so hard for, the job my dad slaved at over these past years to get me into the University I had begged him to send me to, all of that was gone. Fearful of the journey that had lain ahead for me; I had not yet planned what my next step in life was going to be. Nervous and scared, I built up the courage to tell my family. At first my dad was angry. Pacing back and forth with disbelief that something like this could happen. Then, when the anger subsided, he began to cry. As I reassured my dad that I would do my best to continue school, he explained to me that it was not sadness he felt, that it was fear. I was confused, why would my father be scared? Not understanding, I hugged him, comforting him. He then promised me that no matter how hard things got he would be there to help me. It was then that I decided that giving up was not an option. I would finish school and give my child a good future. As the weeks pass, waking up for class got harder and harder. Homework was a constant struggle. Sleep was all I wanted to do. I was still driven and determined to finish what was left of the semester, because I wanted to prove those who did not believe I would succeed. When the semester was over, I showed everyone that anyone can do anything they want if they put their mind to it. It was then time for me to prepare for the baby. I took the next semester off so I could have time to recover and rest after having my baby. October came around, and it was time to deliver. I anxiously tossed and turned in my hospital bed, while praying for a quick and easy delivery. The pain was overwhelming, like bricks being tossed at my body. After thirteen hours of labor, I had my six pound, nine ounce, beautiful little girl with me. I named her Alexandra Emily. I knew then that my life would be different, but I just had no idea exactly how different it would be. Even with the help and support of my family, taking care of Alexandra was not an easy task. I started working full-time to provide for my family. School was put on hold again. After three years, I had saved enough money to pursue school and further my education. Ready to embark on a new journey, I enrolled at a community college. I learned that through all of the hardships of motherhood and being an adult that it is never too late to pursue my dreams, no matter what the circumstances are. How to cite English 101, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Contracting Parties

Questions: 1.Whether a Contract was Formed. If So, When was it Formed and Who were the Contracting Parties? 2.What is the legal position of Bernard and Remedies? 3.What is the legal Position of Charleen and Remedies? 4.What is the legal Position of Damien remedies? 5.Specify Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques and the Advantages and Disadvantages associated with them? Answers: Law A contract To form a contract, it is necessary that two or more capable persons must intent to bind themselves into a contractual relationship and must make valid offers and acceptances which must be supported by valid consideration. When all these elements are joined together then a valid contract is established amid the parties. (ABL Phang, 2012) So, the basic contract elements that are required in any contract formation are: An offer An offer is the first step in any contract formation and the person who makes an offer is called an offeror. In order to make an offer, an offeror must communicate his intentions to another person (who is called an offeree) which he desires to be approved by an offeree. This convey of the offeror intention in law is called an offer (Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co[1893]. (McKendrick, 2014) The offers which are made by an offeror can be bilateral in nature, that is when an offer is made and is approved by an offeree by making an acceptance, then, such is an act of bilateral promises. But, when an offer is made but is approved by an offeree only by conduct then such offers are unilateral in nature. Booth the forms of offers results in making a valid contract amid the parties. (Phang Chui , 2004) Invitation to offer When the person does not make any offer but do make statements or acts in such a manner by which he desires to receive offers from people then such an act is called intention to offer or treat. The person who is making the statements in the form of advertisements, auctions, and tenders is not an offeror but acts like an offeree who receives offers from the public (who acts like an offeror) and when such an offer is approved by the offeree, then a valid contract is established amid the parties (Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd [2005]. An acceptance The person to whom the offeror communicates his intention is called an offeree. An offeree has an obligation to reject the offer or approve the same. When the offeree approves the offer without bringing in any variations or changes, then, such an act is called an acceptance in law. In Mondial Shipping and Chartering BV v Astarte Shipping Ltd (1995), it was held that when an offer is made to some person who is specified by an offeror while making an offer, then, it is necessary that the acceptance must be made by such person only in order to consider such an acceptance is valid. Further, knowledge plays an important role while making an acceptance. It is necessary that the offeree must be aware of the offer when an acceptance is made by him. Any approval of the offer without any knowledge of the same is not a valid acceptance in law and thus will not make a valid contract amid the parties. (Furmston Tolhurst, 2010) Normally, an acceptance made by the offeree to an offeror is valid but, when the offeror desires that the acceptance so made by the offeree should be made in a particular form then it is necessary that the offeree must comply with such specified mode of acceptance in order to make such an acceptance valid in law Adams v Lindsell(1818). Counter offer Now, as already discussed, an acceptance when made to an offer without bringing any variations, then, it is called a valid acceptance, but, when the offeree does not make an acceptance as desired by law but approves the offer by bringing changes to it, then, such an acceptance is not valid and is called counter offer which cancels that original offer. The counter offer is then the new offer which is the only valid offer which is left which when approved results in valid contract (Hyde v Wrench (1840). Legal intention and capacity The offeror and the offeree when making the offers and acceptance must legally intent to abide by the promises so exchanged amid them. If wither of the parties while making the promises does not intent to abide by such promises legally, then, such exchange of promises has no legal validity and is discussed in (Balfour v Balfour[1919]. Also, both the parties should be major in age and must be of sound mind when the promises are exchanged amid them in order to make a valid contract. Consideration The offer and acceptance so exchanged should be supported by a benefit which is called consideration in law and which makes the contract enforceable in law. Thus consideration is also a very important element to make a contract enforceable. Now, all these elements are applied to the raised concerns above. Application As per the facts, Alan wants to sell his books, so, on 1st November 2015 he post an advertisement on his facebook page through which he specifies to all his friends that he is selling his book and notes for $200 and whosoever is interested must specify him by 5th November 2015. Now, Alan posted an advertisement and as per Carlill case, an advertisement by a person is an invitation to treat and not an offer. So, Alan is not an offeror but is an offeree who must react to the offers received to him. Also, as per Chwee Kin Keong, the invitation is only to the friend of Alan and thus no offer should be made to him by any person who is not his friend. 1.Yes a contract is formed amid Alan and Damien. Now, Damien is also willing to buy the book of Alan. He is not on the facebook friend page of Alan. So, the invitation that is made by Alan is not for Damien. Still he messaged Alan that he wish to buy the book and intent to pass the money by 4th November 2015. But, Damien has no right to buy the book as he is not on Alan friends face book. But, in the evening of 4th November he met Alan and offered Alan money to buy the book which wa duly accepted by Alan. So at this stage there is a valid contract amid the two. 2.Bernard reacted to the invitation of Alan. He is the friend of Alan and is thus eligible to make an offer to the invitation of Alan. He offered to buy the books and notes for $150. Thus, an offer is made to Alan for $150. But, the offer made by Bernard is declined by Alan. It makes no difference whether any money is sent by Bernard on 4th which is received by Alan on 5th because there was only an offer which was never approved by Alan. So, there is no contract amid the two and there are no remedies that are available to Bernard. 3.Charleen also wish to buy the books of Alan and so she made an offer to buy the same at $200. This offer was accepted by Alan. So there can be a valid contract between the two. But, there is no contract because when Alan has given his acceptance at that time he is not intending to sell his book but is thinking of something else. Thus, as per Balfour case lack of legal intention will not make a binding contract amid the parties. So there is no contract with Charleen and she has no remedies. 4.Even though the contract was not initially made with Damien but a valid contract is made amid Alan and Damien in the evening of 4th November hen an offer and acceptance took place amid them instantaneously. Since there is a valid contract that is made amid Damien and Alan, so, Damien has the right to sue Alan for the book and notes and Alan must comply with his obligations and must supply the same to Damien. 5.Alternative Dispute Resolution Now, it is important to analyze the various Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques and the various advantages and disadvantages that are associated with them. When the parties to the contract wish to resolve the disputes without going through a formal legal proceeding, that is, court proceedings, then one such method of resolving disputes is called Alternative Dispute Resolution method. In law, the two best kinds of techniques of Alternative Dispute Resolution are Arbitration and Mediation. (Jones Pexton, 2015) Arbitration When the parties to the contract decides a neutral person (arbitrator) to resolve their disputes and intent to abide by his decision, then, such a technique of dispute resolution is called arbitration. There is no involvement of the parties to decide their dispute but are relying on the arbitrator fully and intent to follow his decision. This is one of the best techniques that is available to the parties, but, it has its own set of pros and cons. (Jones Pexton, 2015) Pros The arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution method is a very cheap techniques and is thus easily affordable by the parties. Also, the length and duration which is taken by an arbitrator to resolve the dispute is not very lengthy specifically when the same is compared with the court proceedings and thus is a quick process to resolve disputes. Also the arbitrator is the person who is selected by the parties to the dispute so there is no question on the authenticity of the decision of the arbitrator. Also, the parties wish to abide by the decisions of the arbitrator and thus there are fewer chances of conflicts. Further, there is presence of confidentiality as the dispute is not resolved in an open room. Cons- But, there are few disadvantages that are also associated with arbitration. The parties to the disputes have untimely had to take the help of the court if not satisfied with the decision of the arbitrator thereby making the dispute resolution a costly affair. Many a times, the place where the dispute has to be resolved is very far away thus making it very troublesome for the parties. The parties has to abide by the decision even when are not in favor of the same. Mediation The person who resolves the dispute through mediation is called a mediator. When the mediator does not goes into the technicalities of the disputes and tries to resolve the same only by providing guidance or cancelling, then, such kind of technique is called the process of mediation. The parties are not bound to follow the decision of the mediator. (Jones Pexton, 2015) Pros The process of mediation is not very expensive and also does not take much time to resolve the disputes. Further, the decision is not forced on the parties and the parties are free to choose with the outcome or not. it helps in preserving the relationship of the parties as the mediation intent to provide counseling to the parties. Further, there is presence of confidentiality as the dispute is not resolved in an open room. Cons The parties are free to not to bind by the decision of the mediator thereby making the process of mediation less effective. Parties are not very keen to resolve their dispute through mediation because it only provides cancelling and does not looks into the evidence laid down by the parties. These are the two techniques to resolve disputes which can be adopted by the parties in order to resolve their disputes. Conclusion So the only contract that is established is with Damien and Alan must comply with his contractual obligations. Also, there are two ADR techniques, that is, arbitration and mediation and can be used to resolve disputes. References Articles/Books/Journals ABL Phang (2012) The law of contract in Singapore, Academy Pub. Furmston Tolhurst (2010) Contract Formation: Law and Practice, OUP Oxford. Jones Pexton (2015) ADR and Trusts: An international guide to arbitration and mediation of trustsisputes, Spiramus Press Ltd. McKendrick (2014) Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, Oxford University Press. Phang Chui (2004) Basic principles of Singapore business law, Thomson Learning. Case laws Adams v Lindsell(1818) 106 ER 250. Balfour v Balfour[1919] 2 KB 571 Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co[1893] Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd [2005] 1 SLR 502 Hyde v Wrench (1840). Mondial Shipping and Chartering BV v Astarte Shipping Ltd (1995)

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Movie Summary Idiocracy Essay Example

Movie Summary Idiocracy Paper What images come to mind when considering the appearance of the future? Are there flying cars? Can we press a button and have food just appear?It does not really matter who you are, everyone has some mental image of the future with robot butlers and houses built on stilts in the sky.Okay, so that may be from The Jetsons, but you get the idea. Consider, for a moment, though, the advancements in technology that have come along in the twenty-first century, and some of these things may not be far off. The movie Idiocracy, by Mike Judge is an exaggerated assumption of what life on Earth would be like in the year 2025.The story follows Joe Bauer, an army librarian, who was chosen as a candidate for a top secret army experiment in which he is frozen in suspended animation. He was chosen because he was of average intelligence and had no family ties. The experiment is supposed to last a year, however, the person running the project gets arrested and shortly after the army base closes. Joe Bauer is forgotten about for 500 years until a trash avalanche causes his pod to open. Joe discovers he is in a dumbed down society where he is the smartest person alive, and society must now rely on him to resolve all of their problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Idiocracy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Idiocracy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Idiocracy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The movie, which came out in 2006 and takes place in 2004, looks at some aspects of life if our society depended on overpopulation by low IQ individuals because intelligent people are waiting for the right time or when they are financially stable to have kids. Because of this, and due to technology, in essence, dumbing down our society, the English language deteriorates and intelligent people become extinct. The movie may be almost 10 years old at this point, but actually lends some realistic parallels to what is happening in our society today. For example, in the movie, people are watching pointless, meaningless television shows that do not serve any purpose nor stimulate the brain. That can be said of the â€Å"reality T

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Famous Tips For Writing English Essays

Famous Tips For Writing English Essays English Essay: Developing an â€Å"A† grade Essay As you undertake your English coursework in both high school and college, you will realize how important essay writing is. To some students, crafting a good English essay may be a bit challenging, since creativity is an integral part of writing a good essay. Starting the learning process early and using the provided tips below on English essay writing, you will eventually craft a well-written essay. The Planning Stage You cannot just jump into writing an essay! You need to prepare yourself accordingly to ensure you save time when writing your work. Below are some helpful ideas that you can use for the preparation stage: Give Yourself Some Advanced Time Nothing substantial can come out of a 10 minute written work, not only in essay writing but also in other aspects of writing. Give yourself maximum time allowed to prepare and construct your thought and ideas. In this stage, you are expected to brainstorm, conduct research for related information that is already available, and eventually craft the most captivating ways that will convey the meaning of your written work. Jot down Your Ideas as You Brainstorm While you conduct your research, you will interact with many types of information that relates to your work. Make sure you write down the ideas they inspire in you. Bear in mind that at this stage, you are just gathering information and not writing your work. It just requires you to put down your ideas about the topic and be ready for the writing part of your English essay. Be Strictly Mindful of Your Thesis The thesis statement might only take at most two sentences of your total work, but still, it gives essence to your essay. It consists of the main idea that you intend to prove to your target audience, thus indicating its importance. Make sure that you thoroughly brainstorm your work and avoid choosing the first thesis statement that you think of. At least three to four ideas are enough to inspire the main thesis statement you are to come up with. Keep in mind that all the information and ideas you express in your work have to relate to the thesis statement you have given.   Also, your thesis statement should come as the last piece of information in your introductory paragraph. The thesis statement should highlight the main idea behind your essay in brief by understandably impressive manner. It provided the reader with an understanding of what you are to address from the start of your essay until the last part. Do not forget to construct it with a hook in place to ensure the reader is impressed and ready to read through all of the work presented. Put Enough Emphasis and Focus on the Introduction The thesis statement is not the only important part of your introduction. Furthermore, it is placed at the end of the introductory paragraph. This begs for two questions, what should you start with? How should you start your introduction? You are required to start your introduction by stating your problem in a way the reader will be interested in the subject matter you plan on expounding on. The following are ways you can use to achieve a good introduction: Begin your work with an anecdote Utilize the use of an uncommon factor interesting statement Keep the reader hooked by leading with a new notion relating to your topic of discussion. As a way of engaging the readers, pose a rhetoric question that will make them think it through Structure of a Comprehensible Outline Many students aimlessly write their essay without first coming up with an outline, and they eventually suffer in the long run. Please avoid this mistake because it will cost you a great deal of time when you have to restructure it all over again. Spare some quality time during your preparation stage to create a comprehensive outline for your work. By the time you are at this stage, you already have come up with a thesis statement and substantial information about your English essay. Now, arrange the information in a well-organized order until you achieve a logical flow of ideas. This will enable you to convince your readers and impress them at the same time about your point of view. To many students, writing an outline might seem to be a bother or waste of time if you are conversant with what you are to write about. This should be not the case since creating the required outline will save you time on writing and also prevent you from getting a writers block. Writing Process for an English Essay After you have successfully gathered your ideas and constructed an outline for your work, you can begin writing your work. Below are the key steps that are required at this stage of your work: Read Through Your Notes One More Time Go through your notes to ensure you have the required information to fit the outline you created. Even though an English essay requires more creativity, each idea needs to be supported by academic materials that relate to the subject matter. If you find information that lacks, do research about it and add it to your outline accordingly. Creatively Construct the Topic Sentences for Each Paragraph The first sentence is very crucial to your essay work.it is meant to hook the reader and impress them enough to read through the whole of your work. At this point try to avoid equivocal phrasing. Keep in mind that the first sentence of each paragraph should briefly give an outline of what to expect when reading through the whole paragraph. If you already are conversant with the topic of the discussion you intended to write about, then coming up with the topic sentences will be an easy task to handle. Even though the hook should give a clear definition of your paragraph, do not introduce all of the information. Ideally, use the topic sentence as a hook for the reader to read through your work. Develop Your Thoughts in Detail Most students only construct work from one or two ideas and fill up the remaining word count with information lacking sense or logic. This is referred to as padding in the academic level, which is discredited, not only in the writing of an English essay but also in all types of writing altogether.   Ave in mind the experience your professor has had with many students who came before you, so he or she has the knowledge of over a thousand essays regarding the same subject. This should make you understand that even for a new professor; he or she is well informed to detect padding within an essay. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel stuck, or your outline isn’t of enough help, use the following tips to help you through: Revert back to the stage you brainstormed about the topic. Try to broaden the ideas you came up with through extra research. You are also allowed to use free writing which helps a lot to avoid writers block, or even mind maps. Whichever you find fit, utilize it appropriately. Seek membership to a writing lab. Most of the academic institutions today have writing labs, and it can help you if you join one. Even though most of them have different functionalities, the main idea is for you to interact with other student and exchange ideas as all of your work on your projects. This will get you reliable feedback on the work you are doing and inspire you to work on the project more efficiently and effectively. Have a chat with your professor. The professor has the mandate to help you through your coursework to achieve academic excellence. Dont be shy, make an effort and consult where you require assistance. Find out the professors dedicated office hours and consult to improve the validity and credibility of the English essay to be presented. Use MLA Formatting Style A number of essays (especially those that require personal experience) do not need you to avail external references, but most of them do. In relation to writing an English essay on literature, it would be hard to imagine an instance where the work lacks support from either quotes or examples of the original context. Most English essay papers utilize the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. However, if the requirement is not provided, it is advisable to seek confirmation from the professor. The following are some of the elements that formulate the formatting structure of your English essay: Double spaced work throughout the paper Margins should be adjusted to one inch on all sides Stick to a 12-point font (Times New Roman is a preferable choice) No detached title page The top left corner should contain information about the student and course credentials. Page numbers placed at the top right corner Separate page In an instance where you are required to cite particular information, you should use quotation marks to frame the citation, with the authors name put in brackets. When referencing is done, including the authors last name and page number (If accessible). Altogether, if your citation comes from an in folio source, online journal or article with a page with page numbers, make sure you include the page number as you reference your work. You will notice that no punctuation marks are used in between the last name and the page number. For instance, (Muithya 10). The preserved punctuation will be used when referencing the citation at the end of your work. Keep in mind that your Page should have the authors name, the title of cited work, the city it was published and the name of the publishing company. It is advisable to also include any more information available (page numbers, online or print, and so on). Create a Captivating Conclusion At this point, you have already come up with the body paragraphs and detailed them accordingly. For the conclusion part, you should convey a summary of your work which is to leave a good impression to any reader of your work. In short, you are to restate your main ideas that you discussed in your body paragraphs and provide proof of the validity of the thesis statement you provided. However, in regard to an English essay, you may need to put more effort when working on the conclusion of your work. For any piece of creative essay, the suspense is an important element. This helps in your body paragraphs to make the reader anticipate that the conclusion is about to be addressed. The following ideas will ensure that you come up with an impressive conclusion of your work: Evaluate the information you have made available to your readers. Offer a proposal for more research relating to the subject. Give a brief description of the significance of your paper. Revision of Your Work The conclusion work is not the final stage of your work. You need to revise your work appropriately and below are some of the aspects you should remember while you are at this stage: Take Your Time Give yourself time to rest and be fresh again to read through your work. You need to identify and correct any form of spelling, punctuation, grammatical of structuring errors. You should plan for at least one or two days for the revision of your work. Begin with the Content. Spelling Comes After As you proofread your paper, avoid focusing first on the spelling errors or combining this practice with the editing of your content.   This will lead to loss of time.   Start with editing your content and consider the following questions: How clear are your arguments? Do the transitions used to provide a logical flow of ideas? Do all of your ideas relate to the thesis statement you presented? Is your wording within the acceptable academic requirements? Inquire Assistance from One of Your Friends It’s more prudent if a different person read through your paper as they will easily point out issues that you can correct in the long run.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Creative Easter Words List for Classroom Activities

Creative Easter Words List for Classroom Activities Easter  is a time of renewal. It falls each year in the early spring  when flowers are blooming, plants are sprouting, and hatchlings are starting to break out of their shells and enter the world. Indeed, the season of Easter- the season of spring, really- is an annual time of beginning when much of the country is waking up and thawing out from a cold and bleak winter into a renewed world filled with signs of rebirth and splashes of color. Use the season as a  thematic teaching  tool. Kids, seeing the changes in the season, will be naturally curious and interested in what is  happening around them. Harness that  curiosity with this comprehensive Easter word list to create many  seasonal  activities  such as  worksheets, writing prompts, word walls, and word searches. The words below are sectioned according to Easter- and spring-related concepts. Each section begins with an explanation  followed by a list of appropriate words. April   Explain to students that  Easter falls in late March through much of April  depending on the year. So April is a great month to introduce students to words such as: TulipsPastelPaintingShowers You can explain that a 16th century  English writer and poet named  Thomas Tusser penned the phrase,  Sweet April showers do bring May flowers, and that many writers- even the great  William Shakespeare- were enamored of the month and wrote many poems and stories about this season of bloom. If you have younger students, explain that this month is the time when  tulips  bloom, offering a great time for painting when the world sparkles with pastel colors.​ Easter Easter, of course, is the highlight of the season for young children. Its a time for putting on bonnets, decorating and dying Easter eggs, grabbing a basket and scurrying to find the hidden eggs. Children may be most interested in coloring eggs and finding candy, but dont forget to mention that theres even an annual  Easter parade and bonnet festival  in New York. This gives you a chance to cover geography, the planning, and pageantry involved in staging a parade, and even possible art projects, like  making bonnets. BasketBunnyBonnetChickChocolateCandyDecorateDyeEggsFunFindGrassHideHopHuntJellybeansMarshmallowParadePeepsTreatsLily Spring Spring, the season in which Easter and April fall, provides plenty of opportunities for learning and art activities. You can have students study the lifecycle of a butterfly, how vegetables such as carrots and flowers like daffodils grow. You can even throw in some science lessons such as how birds build nests and how hatchlings emerge from their shells. Or, take a field trip to a local pond and observe ducks and flowers residing there. ButterflyCarrotsColorfulDaffodilsDuckFlowersJoyLambPlantsNestHatch Sunday Though you cant teach religion in public schools, you can certainly mention that  Easter is a religious Christian holiday  where families dress up in nice, new clothes and attend church on Easter Sunday. This also gives you a chance to cover the  days of the week  and social norms, such as, Why do people dress up to go to church on Easter (as well as for other special occasions)? Use the season to teach cultural lessons, too, such as  Holy Week and Easter in Mexico. Easter- and the season that it falls in- provides an endless opportunity to teach writing, spelling, history, science, art, and more.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

FEDEX REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FEDEX REPORT - Essay Example As far as product and market destinations are concerned, FedEx is known to offer the second largest civil fleet service across the United States and other Caribbean Islands including Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic (Breiman et al, 2009). There also is FedEx Ground, which is a dedicated courier service for Canada and other North American countries. FedEx also offers customer specification and tailor services including home delivery, custom and insurance provided through FedEx Trade Network, supply chain service, corporate services, print service, as well as FedEx Ship Centers. As a way of ensuring that its products meet customer specification and needs, there is a dedicated FedEx product named FedEx TechConnect, which offers toll free customer support to customers all around the globe. It has been said that through FedEx TechConect, FedEx creates a competitive advantage of learning from within its own rank, why and how it will succeed with its product strategy. Pricing Strategies P ricing has been said to be a very important marketing strategy for the creation of competitive advantage in a globally competing market. ... The price discount on FedEx Ground is one of such popular pricing strategies used by the company to ensure that customers get value for money. What is more, FedEx tries to keep its traditional base cost of service as minimal as possible. For example pick up services are offered by FedEx at a traditional rate of $6 per delivery (Carter, Daniel and Betty, 2006). In relation to key competitors on the American and Canadian market, this traditional cost has been said to be one of the lowest. In addition to the traditional cost offered on pick up services, there is an additional weekly charge of $6 for business locations that make requested pick up services. Placement Strategies In terms of location, FedEx is predominately situated in the United States and Canada. These are where most of its stationery offices are. But thanks to globalization and flight services, this limited placement is not in any way a limitation to the distribution strategy adapted by the company. This is because in it s scheme of distribution strategy, the company operates on a borderless strategy whereby it opens up its service to all continents of the world. To make this strategy sustainable, FedEx has an air fleet service dedicated for an inter-continental goods and mail delivery. Even though the company reports of effectiveness with this distribution strategy, experts have said that FedEx could reach a more deepened mileage with its products and services if the company expanded its placement by way of opening more offices and centers across its key regional markets (Icove, Karl and Vonstorch, 2005). It has been suggested for example that the company had continental head quarters, from which it would operate a more decentralized placement strategy. The advantage of such a decentralized placement

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Usability of a Business Statistics and Research Course in the Field of Essay

Usability of a Business Statistics and Research Course in the Field of Information Technology Project Management - Essay Example hnology management involves analysis of business design, supervision of teams, preparation of project plans, designing databases and developing reports, the scope of business statistics and research involves principles of data collection, research design, and statistical analysis. The two professions therefore shares data management and communication of results as a common sub field. Sharma explains that developments in information technology have widened its scope to include applications that were previously undertaken by statisticians. He however identifies the technology to facilitate the analytical processes rather than being the basis of analysis (Sharma, p. 8). Business statistics and research, therefore, is used in developing designs for data collection and determination of appropriate type of analysis that is required for a data set. Information technology then validates and implements the designs for analysis (Sharma, p. 3, 8). Business statistics and research would therefore be applied in information technology project management by using it to develop a research and analysis framework that is then implemented by information technology project management

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Asquiths poem, The Volunteer, and the extract from Shakespeares Henry V Essay Example for Free

Asquiths poem, The Volunteer, and the extract from Shakespeares Henry V Essay How effectively do Asquiths Poem, The Volunteer, and the Extract From Shakespeares Henry V Promote the Idea That it is Heroic to fight and Die For Ones Country? What Alternative View, is Offered by Wilfred Owen in Dulce et Decorum Est? The Volunteer is a Pro-War poem written by Herbert Asquith. Asquith uses roman imagery to invoke a feeling of greatness and honour. Asquith begins his poem by describing the miserable, mundane life of a clerk, working in a city grey. He opens with the words Here lies that are normally used to begin writing on a gravestone. This epitaph style opening gives the idea that the clerk has now passed away and the poem will concentrate on events beforehand. We are told the clerk has spent half his life doing boring work (..Toiling at ledgers..), his days drifting away. There is a distinct lack of fulfilment in his life, ..With no lance broken in lifes tournament (Lance is roman imagery) And yet he dreams of ..The gleaming eagles of the legions.. and horsemen ..thundering past beneath the oriflamme.. (or battle flag.) Asquith cleverly uses the expression ..The gleaming eagles of the legions.. to conjure up ideas in the readers mind of great gleaming roman soldiers. This adds to the ideology that war is a glamorous and noble thing. In his second stanza, Asquith tells us that ..those waiting dreams are satisfied.. Obviously, the clerk has joined the army. He talks of ..waiting dreams.. giving the impression that the clerk has dreamt of this for a very long time. He goes on to say ..From twilight to the halls of dawn he went.. I think what he means is that the clerk has gone from his dull city to a new, brighter beginning. And although he died he is happy. ..His lance is broken but he lies content.. Because in that high hour in which he lived and died he achieved something he had dreamt of forever. Asquith also mentions that the man needs no reward for his actions (..he wants no recompense). In his last two lines of the poem, Asquith writes: ..nor need he any hearse to bear him hence, who goes to join the men of Agincourt What he is saying is that he who fights for his country needs no other honour in death for fighting is his reward. This poem is very pro-war and is remarkably influential in using roman imagery to sway the readers judgement in his favour. Overall, it is written quite effectively. Another pro-war poem is Henry V. It is actually a speech from Henry V by William Shakespeare. It is his interpretation of what Henry V would have said to his men in an effort to inspire them before they fought at Agincourt. The writer uses the idea that the men will be remembered as heroes and become famous to enthuse them. He begins his speech by naming the day the feast of Crispian. He goes onto declare that ..He that outlives this day shall stand taller (..Stand a tiptoe) on this day in the future. This will make the men that fight feel superior; and more importantly it will make those who dont fight feel inferior. The words feast and flowing cups are also used. These give the imagery of a better life with plenty of food and drink. (possibly that of a king.) He goes on say that every year the man who fought: ..will strip his sleeve, and shows his scars, And say These wounds I had on Crispins day This quote fits in with the thought that scars are a notable accessory and that they will impress people. The men who fought will have the image in their minds that they will be able to show them off to people and feel courageous. He also pronounces to the brave soldiers that they will undoubtedly become famous. ..Our names familiaras household words.. stating that the names of those who fought will be as famous as ..Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot.. these were all extremely well known and respected figures. Now the men have the belief that for fighting this battle they will be remembered as kings, fame will be theirs. This fame pattern continues with ..this story shall the good man teach his son giving the idea that their story will be passed down for generations and generations. They will become role models as such for young boys, helping them to become good people. He continues to make the men feel unique with ..We few, we happy few.. Repetition of the word few makes the men feel that they should be glad to be a part of something that so few people have the opportunity to be a part of. He goes on to promote this idea of uniqueness with the words, ..we band of brothers.. as if the men have become family through fighting for their country. Henry then proclaims that: ..hethat sheds his blood with meshall be my brother.. He has stated that each man is his equal, making them feel honoured. The poem is rounded off with the thought that ..Gentlemen in England, now abed.. would feel accursed that they werent here fighting with us. And they would ..hold their manhoods cheap.. whenever anyone speaks who fought on Saint Crispins day. He is making the men feel that they are superior to those who didnt fight, and that men in England would give anything to be them right now. The poem promotes heroism very effectively, using images of fame and kings to inspire the men. This poem was obviously extremely effective because these men won the Battle of Agincourt against extraordinary odds. Although, in Dulce et Decorum Est, written by Wilfred Owen there is a completely different message conveyed. Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori is Latin for: it is sweet and honourable to die for ones country. It is a strongly anti-war poem in which Owen describes events from personal experience. In the first stanza, Owen depicts a group of soldiers as they march. He describes their gaunt appearance, speaking of lost boots and lost senses. He goes on, in the second stanza to illustrate the reaction of the men to the cries of: gas! GAS! There is An ecstasy of fumbling.. One man, possibly known by Owen is slow to respond. Owen recalls the horror of his death toward the end of the stanza and subsequently writes his next stanza, consisting only of two lines, about the terrible dreams he has about the experience. This leads Owen on to comment bitterly and vividly about the incident, finishing his final stanza off with: The old lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori If Owen is to achieve his desired effect, he has to be as vivid and evocative as possible. In the first stanza, Owen begins with two similes in the first two lines, describing soldiers as old beggars under sacks and hags. Likening the soldiers to old beggars under sacks gives the reader an indication of the sheer weight of what had to be carried, while likening them to hags, completely dehumanising them. This stanza paints a picture of what it was like for these young men; using words like trudge to suggest heavy movements. We get a zombie like impression as ..Men marched asleep. from the exhaustion of body and mind. Also, it suggests that the men march without point i.e. all hope has been lost, as the five-nines (bombs) fall behind. In the second stanza there is a clear change in tempo, (it begins with a command) Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! There is an ecstasy of fumbling showing that it seemed to take a long time to fit the clumsy helmets. Here, the helmets are personified to help to describe the awkwardness of the things. Water imagery is used to show what mustard gas was like. Phrases like misty panes, green sea and drowning do this very effectively. The third stanza is very tense as it goes on to explain how Owen dreams of the man choking to death as he stands helpless. Again, water imagery is used as the man plunges at Owen in desperation while Owen must watch him ..guttering, choking, drowning. In the final stanza, Owen asks you to pace behind the wagon that we flung him in. the use of the word flung suggests casualness and insignificance. Owen involves the reader with phrases like you and you too. There is alliteration of the letter w as he asks the reader to ..watch the white eyes writhing in his face.. He describes His hanging face, like a devils sick of sinobscene as cancer incurable sores on innocent tongues.. a description to horrify the most unsympathetic of persons. He addresses the reader as my friend showing bitter irony, and states that you would not tell with high zest to childrenThe old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori This poem is extremely effective in making the ideology that war is an honourable and dignified thing disappear using horrific, vivid images to do so. To sum up, I feel that all three poems are effective in their own styles. However, some are more effective than others. Henry V is more effective than The Volunteer in supporting the ideology that war is honourable and dignified. This is so in my opinion due to the way it cleverly gives off the impression that the men fighting will be remembered as heroes by comparing them to kings. Also, it concentrates more on what the men will do when they return home, not if they return home. The Volunteer uses images of death and an epitaph style opening to convey the message of a valiant death. I dont think that making the reader think of death will inspire him or her to fight for their country at all. Dulce est Decorum Est is the most effective poem of the three. Its usage of vivid and horrific imagery could make any patriotic citizen think again before going to war. The structure of the poem is extremely well thought out because it begins to get extremely shocking in the final stanza, almost certainly making the reader sway away from the honourable image he or she had of war before reading. It then finishes with labelling Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori a lie. This is intelligent because the reader is at his most easily influenced after reading the horrific description in the final stanza and therefore is more likely to agree with this point.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Will Be The Name? :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Attack on America† â€Å"World War III† These may seem unbelievable, but they are only two of the real life events thundering into the minds of many. Although I am not a fortune teller, I’m still able to voice my opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So far we’ve lived through the age of innocence, next was the age of experience. What is next? My assignment is to name the age of what the last twenty years of the century will be called. The age of loving to hate sounds good to me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today’s society our language is vulgar. Not as if to say we’re the only generation that says bad words, I just think that today we use bad words as common language. Men have less respect for women then before. Women are having kids without being married at young ages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There was a time when you could walk down the streets safely, leave your front doors unlocked and trust your house to be in good shape the next morning. You pretty much have to be aware of everything these days . It’s almost impossible for us to get along in the world today. The terrorist attacks are showing that world peace will never take place. As a teenager it makes me not want to have children of my own, afraid of what disaster I’m bringing them into.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We all pretty much still engage in the same entertainment as before. The only difference might be that technology is way better. The rides and rollercoasters are

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ftm 460 Exam3 Study Guide

FTM 460 Exam 3 Review (Chapters 10-13) 33 Multiple Choice Questions (3 points each). The majority of test questions come from Chapter 10 & Chapter 13. The least from Chapter 11. Chapter 10: The concept of measurement * Be able to recognize the 4 types of measurement scales: CHART 10. 4 in chapter ten slide six * Nominal: Scales that partition data into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories. Ordinal: Scales that maintain the labeling characteristics of nominal scales and have the ability to order data * Interval: Scales that have the characteristics of ordinal scales, plus equal intervals between points to show relative amounts; they may include an arbitrary zero point. * Ratio: Scales that have characteristics of interval scales, plus a meaningful zero point so that magnitudes can be compared arithmetically. * Define: Scale reliability: Degree to which measures are free from random error and, therefore, provide consistent data.The extent to which the survey respon ses are internally consistent. Cronbach’s alpha: Test-retest reliability: The ability of the same instrument to produce consistent results when used a second time under conditions as similar as possible to the original conditions. * Be familiar with the steps in the measurement development process (McDaniel’s diagram) Slide 3 CH 10. * Know the difference between a constitutive and operational definition of a given construct. Slide 4) * Constitutive: ambiguity is a direct function of the discrepancy between the information available to the person and that which is required for adequate performance of a role. It is the difference between a person’s actual state of knowledge and the knowledge that provides adequate satisfaction of that person’s personal needs and values. * Operational: Role ambiguity is the amount of uncertainty (ranging from very uncertain to very certain on a five-point scale) an individual feels regarding job role responsibilities and exp ectations from other employees and customers. Be able to distinguish between convergent vs. discriminant validity. * Convergent: The degree of correlation among different measures that purport to measure the same construct. * Discriminate: The measure of the lack of association among constructs that are supposed to be different. Chapter 11: Using measurement scales to build marketing effectiveness * Define: Semantic differential scale (10) , Likert scale–be able to recognize examples of each (12) Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat disagree, Disagree.Chapter 12: Questionnaire design * Know the differences between the following types of question formats: * open-ended: Questions to which the respondent replies in his or her own words. * Probed vs Un-probed * closed-ended: Questions requiring respondents to choose from a list of answers * Dichotomous: Choice between two answers * Multiple Choice * Scaled Responses * What are the reasons for using screening: to identify qualifies res pondents and probing questions?When do we use branching? * Understand sequencing rules for laying out questions in a survey (i. e. , general questions first). Slide 16 * Screeners, Warm-up (Easy to answer questions show the respondent that the survey is simple), Transitions (Questions related to research objectives require slightly more effort), Difficult Complicated (The respondents has committed to completing the questionnaire), Classifying and demographic. Chapter 13: Basic sampling issues * Know the difference between a Probability: Everyone in the population has a known, nonzero, likelihood of selection (Simple random, Systematic, Stratified, Cluster) * Non-probability: Samples in which specific elements from the population have been selected in a nonrandom manner. (Convenience, Snowball, Judgment, Quota) * Know the difference between a sample and a population. (Population is the entire group of people about whom information needed; also called the universe or population of int erest. ) * Define: simple random sample: A sample selected by assigning a number to every element of the population and then using some method for randomly selecting elements to be in the sample such as random digit dialing * systematic random sample: A sample in which the entire population is numbered and elements are selected using a skip interval (every Nth name is selected * stratified random sample: A sample that is forced to be more representative through simple random sampling of mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets either proportionally or disproportionally.Good for data that are not normally distributed. * Convenience sample: A sample based on using people who are easily accessible – such as mall intercepts or other high traffic locations. * Sampling error: Error that occurs because the sample selected is not perfectly representative of the population. * Be familiar with the McDaniel’s stages of a sampling plan * Define the target Population- Determine th e characteristics of those you are interested in studying.Determine which group of people or entities about which you want to learn more. * Choose the Data Collection Method- Determine how you collect the sample – such as mail, Internet, telephone, mall intercept, ect. * Select the Sample Frame- A list of population elements from which units to be sampled can be selected. * Obtain the Sample- Determine how you will get the sample list through probability or non-probability methods. * Determine Sample Size * Select Sample Units * Conduct Fieldwork

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Arthur Conan Doyle build Essay

Arthur Conan Doyle used the character named Sherlock Holmes to create a murder mystery genre short story. He uses the clever, sly and mysterious character to capture the readers. At the time the stories were written the Victorians were very frightened of crime because the police at the time weren’t stopping crime as they should, also at the time the fearsome â€Å"Jack the Ripper† was loose on the slums of London, so this new character brought some relief to the frightened citizens. At the time the police were failing to commit to there job and stop the crime that was taking place. This meant there was a lot of fear about crime around because the people of London had no force to protect themselves from the evil on the streets. At this time Arthur Conan Doyle tapped into this idea and created Holmes, this gave relief to the readers. Doyle had to use one of the main techniques in a murder mystery story to keep the story alive, keeping tension and suspense at a high throughout. Towards the start of the mystery Doyle builds up the idea of the story by showing the idea of fear in Helen Stoner. When Helen says â€Å"It is not cold which makes me shiver† and â€Å"It is terror†. This builds up the idea of the story as then she begins to tell Holmes about her problem. By noticing how she is terrified and telling Holmes about the mystery she is facing, we automatically find that we are dealing with a murder mystery genre. The way Holmes observes everything Miss Stoner does shows he is a very clever man and leads you to think she has come to him for him to solve her mystery, this gives us the idea he is a detective, further convincing us that there is a mystery to be solved. At the very begging Sherlock Holmes’s apprentice is talking to us, telling us about him studying Mr Holmes work. The way Doyle sets up the mystery shows us he is a clever writer as we can always be asking what is going to happen next. When Holmes starts asking questions it starts giving us ideas about the mystery we are dealing with, further setting up the story. We also see the idea of contrast between how we see things. We meet Helen Stoner, a woman who fears for her life, and is shaking with fear; she is in a terrible state. Then we see Sherlock Holmes. He is calm, easy going and already at work the moment he meets his client. Then we meet Dr Grimsby Roylott. He â€Å"seizes† things and â€Å"storms† about the place, he is a very large man and works with his anger and strength. We see Helen Stoner as a very fragile and afraid woman. We see that when she enters the room she is very shivery, but this isn’t because its cold, we know this because not only does the writing tell us but it also describes her to be sat next to a fire. We see that Helen stoner is very fragile because she fears for her life. We know this when she says â€Å"It is fear, Mr Holmes. It is terror†. This shows that something is frightening her. We then find out that she needs Holmes to help her. She looks like a â€Å"hunted animal† and this shows that she has been through a lot. We see that the way her character is shown to be a typical Victorian woman. Vulnerable, afraid, fragile and unable to defend herself. This shows that the story keeps on fitting into the genre of murder mystery. In the day it was written people reading the story would very easily be able to relate to her as a character and this give more effect to the story as a reader. We are also told about how she looks very old, but is very young, and how the fear she has because of Dr Roylott has made her look almost elderly. We can see that Sherlock Holmes is portrayed to be a very clever and calm gentleman. We can see he is a very observant man, and is very quick to think things through, this would make the readers feel relieved for Helen Stoner because they would know from this point that he is smart enough to crack the mystery. The way he talks to her as if he already knows the answers to his questions shows him to be a very smart man. We also see he is a very brave man. We know this because even when staring the large, and frightening Dr Roylott, he manages to stay calm and say things that further enrage the large man. Even when further angering the tyrant he still keeps calm, and keeps himself out of any state of worry, this would further enhance the feel of protection for the reader. The way he further angers the Dr also builds a large amount of tension. This would keep the reader reading ahead. Dr Roylott is presented as a large frightening man. We know this because of the way we see his first proper entrance into the story. We see this because the door to Holmes living space was â€Å"dashed† open by a â€Å"Huge man†. This further builds tension in the story as from this point it is obvious the man bursting into the door is Dr Roylott. He is shown to be a strong, aggressive character. We know because of a way he â€Å"seizes† a poker and bends it with his bare hands to show his raw strength. The word â€Å"seizes† shows he is a very aggressive man and this would give the reader a feeling of fear which would further build tension.  The fact that the entire story is set over one day and not spread out over time shows that the situation is urgent and it cannot be left more than 1 day. This further builds the idea of tension in the story line. The tension is built up over time because as the time goes on the story shows that the woman is in danger of death. At the time the Victorians would have found this story very frightening. This is because at the time the idea of gypsies living on someone’s’ land was something that wasn’t at all normal. This meant that the people who would read this would find it very peculiar and would find it frightening to hear about. Also the idea of foreign animals walking freely on his land would scare them because this is unusual and these creatures are not just any animals, dangerous animals like cheetahs. They also would be frightened that he had killed his butler in Africa. This would worry the public because at the time the police force weren’t doing there job very well and this made the public very worried about crime. In the final section the main contrast that is noticeable is the change between the light. The light is dark and all is silent. But when some light flashes in the room the tension automatically begins building up. As the tension builds further the light begins to come through the air shaft and this creates even further tension. When the Idea of time is linked with the idea of changing light, this build the tension because the time seems to slow down as the light builds in the final part of the story. In the entire story builds tension well, the way it all takes place in a short amount of time shows urgency in the situation and makes the reader feel tense. The language he uses is good for building the tension because he uses words that give a feel of urgency and danger. I think the story builds tension well because the way it was written to fit in with Victorian ideas makes people see how the story was meant to effect the reader.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hiral Patel Essays (795 words) - Discrimination, Demography

Hiral Patel Essays (795 words) - Discrimination, Demography Hiral Patel December 1, 2014 SOC 224 ONLN Self-Assessment Analysis Sociology is the study of human relationships in the society. The basic sociology course helps introduce to the social world of societies. It helps students to think and to believe that everything is influenced by the societies that they live in. The way people are treated at work and in societies determines their position and place in society. Sociology 101 was an exciting and knowledgeable course that encouraged thinking beyond what is given to you. Never did I realize that everyday decisions and activities contributed to relationships and the world itself. I find that sociology is the only field of study that analyzes and explains the matters in our lives and our communities. It helps explain the social causes of racial and gender identity. It helps to examine diversity in colleges and how important migrations can be for immigrants in search of better lives. Being a student, diversity in colleges was the subject that caught my attention the most. Diversity is important in colleges because it helps students learn to help and appreciate other students of diverse races. Diversity helps promote equality in schools and is also a bonus for the social status of the United States because promoting diversity will show other countries and people how the country treats everyone with equality. This attracts other people from all over the world to come and take a chance in the United States. In the United States, we see people of all backgrounds creating a life of their own. Many come in search of the American Dream while others come escaping from their old lives. United States gives each and everyone the opportunity to prove themselves and work to live better. It does not matter what color of skin people have. Although there may be some areas in the United States that still believe in race and color, there are still areas where diversity is promo ted. I did not realize how important diversity was in colleges until this class. I cannot forget the controversy issues that were discussed in this class. It is not just the subject of the papers but also the discussion of the issues itself. After all the students uploaded their controversy assignments we all had to post comments about what we thought of the issues. That was when we faced the real issues as sociologists. Analyzing such issues made many of us realize the controversies going around the country at this time. Because of the controversy issue, I was able to realize that although equality is promoted in the United States, there should also be a limitation. The country cannot have all gay people marry each other and adopt children because we will be setting a bad example for people in other countries. There is no doubt that everyone should be treated equal but having children grow up in gay families is also unacceptable because then no one will believe in marrying the opposite sex. Another controversy issue that we discussed as a class was immigratio n. Although immigration laws should be kept strict, I found that there should be exceptions to immigrants who have families in the United States that are unwell. If someone is in the hospital or on the verge of dying, then the immigration laws should give exceptions for at least a week to visit the person. The last controversial issue that was discussed was that diversity should matter in colleges. There is no point of having different colleges if there are the same people all over the campus. What would be the point of having dorms then when people can study from their bedroom with the same people. Students attend colleges so as to build their strengths and to strengthen their weaknesses. These controversial issues will definitely be useful to me in my future career and educational goals. Gay rights, immigration laws, and diversity all play major roles in sociology, which is why they were controversial issues being discussed in my class. They will definitely be useful to me in the future because these are issues that come up at any point in my life. These topics are the most discussed topics in our societies today. Immigration

Monday, November 4, 2019

Article is Strengthening Frontline Nurse Investment in Organizational

Is Strengthening Frontline Nurse Investment in Organizational Goals - Article Example (2012) discusses the changing nature of healthcare in the country, and how the incentives are linked with the better performance and cost control. In order to remain profitable and be entitled to receive better reimbursement funding, healthcare organizations need to focus at setting specific goals and achieve them in order to deliver to and sustain exceptional service quality for the patients. The authors, therefore, argue that this has transformed into the setting up of specific goals for the frontline staff and how accountability as well as other factors can contribute towards the development of more engaged nursing staff to achieve overall organizational goals. The paper discusses how a personal level of accountability can actually further the role of nurses and make them important stakeholders in achieving the overall objectives for the firm. Critique of the Paper The title of the paper suggests that it is about the advice regarding strengthening the role of a front line nursing investment in organizational goals. However, it discusses the role of engagement as well as accountability of the nurses in the changing scenario. The overall theme of the article is based upon the changes taking place at the macro level and how organizations need to respond to that changing situation. ... The overall direction and purpose of the paper seems to be rooted into the assumption that a greater level of accountability can actually lead to a better organizational performance. Authors argue that it is quite important actually to define frontline accountability and then monitor the progress in order to ascertain how the frontline staff is performing. Authors further suggest that raising the personal stakes of the frontline nurses and helping them to take more accountability can lead to a better overall outcome for the organizations. This changing role of nurses has been viewed from the perspective of the macro level changes taking place at the governmental as well as the industrial wide level. Authors have dwelled on the changing role of nurses and how important they are for achieving financial goals for the organizations from the perspective of these changes (Marshall, 2011). While discussing the literature about the accountability, authors seem to distract from the actual pur pose and theme of the article. The literature review outlines the role of accountability in nursing and how individual as well as organization level accountability fits into the overall role of nurses. Though the issue of accountability may be relevant to some extent, however, it may not be completely relevant to the overall theme of the article. Authors fail to integrate the facts about how organizations set goals and how such goals are transformed into actionable steps which front line nursing staff has to take. Though personal accountability plays a greater role in the career of nurses because they not only have to follow their own individual

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ratio analysis and the applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ratio analysis and the applications - Essay Example The first one is that valuation must be done in a prudent way. This means that when valuing assets on should make sound decisions in order to value the assets in question correctly the second principle states that; profits that are made in the balance sheet are the only profits that should be included in financial statements. The third principle stipulates that depreciation should be considered when reporting for a financial year regardless of whether it causes a gain or a loss. An example of where the prudence concept is normally used in accounting is when calculating profit or loss. For example, some liabilities are based on the possibility of an event occurring in the future and is expected to generate a profit or loss. If the likeliness of it happening is more than 50% it should be recorded depending on whether it results in a profit or loss. An example of such an event is a law suit. b) The Matching Concept This is a principle in accounting that stipulates that charges and incom es which relate to a financial year must be recorded regardless of the date when the payment of the charges or income was receipted. According to (Hoque, 2006), it is the accounting approach of allocating expenses to their respective incomes. The matching principle of accounting is governed by a number of principles. ... This means that account policies adapted by a business organization should follow a particular principle. This concept aims at allowing comparability of the business organizations’ financial positions and the results of their business activities. The concept puts forward the standardization of financial statements in terms of recording and valuation. An example is when a business institution is calculating depreciation on its assets, for example, a staff van. If the company chooses to use a method in calculating depreciation of the van for instance, the strait line method; it should stick with the method when calculating future depreciation of the van and other assets. This will help in comparing the depreciation of the van and other assets. d) The going concern concept. This is a concept that stipulates that any business establishment is expected to grow in its corporate life irrespective of the shareholders or owners lifespan. The going concern concept is the main idea behin d the costing concepts. However, it is important to note that the going concern should be explained at the end of very financial statement if it has been deemed invalid. A business establishment is regarded as a going concern when there is no intention to wind up the business.  An example of where this concept is used is when a business institution acquires an asset, in the profit and loss account the asset is not recorded at its present market value. However, it is recorded minus its depreciation since it will be used for a long period of time. e) The Concept of Double Entry This is a concept in book keeping which stipulates that all changes in accounting information must reflect in at least two ledger

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Arab Culture and Beliefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab Culture and Beliefs - Essay Example The Islamic faith had taken roots in the 6th century AD in Saudi Arabia and spread out into the surrounding regions. The Islamic rulers were trained in the art of warfare, astute statesmen and able administrators6. They ruled with an iron hand but they were fair in their dealings7. They were patrons of literature, arts, science and philosophy8. Trade, education and military expeditions were high on their agenda and they carried out these in the best tradition9 and vision the newly found religion propagated and expounded10 (Saudi Arabia: Culture). Hence, given the ideal state of affairs storytellers flourished11. These bards were thoroughly familiar with the fallacies and foibles of all men from at all levels12. They were either trained in the art of storytelling or were motivated13 enough to stir up their imaginations to arouse interest and maintain it through mentally manufactured plots which they narrated before gaping, awe-struck audience14. Which audience will resist the temptation to hear accounts of rags to riches episodes15 couched with mysterious events, adventures, gallant heroes, beautiful women, eccentric rulers, scheming villains, strange beings and beasts, and rounded up with the most unlikely and profound endings.16 The Arab culture of medieval times provide the fantastic backgro... The Arab culture of medieval times provide the fantastic background of valor and wealth, innocence and greed, intrigue and deceit, ogre and jinn, and a rich variety of oriental charm and chicanery17 to embellish the Arabian Nights with the unique touch and brand of a world where the interplay of facts and fiction18 gave both an aura of invincibility and supernatural powers to perform the impossible.19 The Arabian Nights tantalizingly reflect the heydays of Arabia's past glory20 when ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11,12,13,14,15 Saudi Arabia: Culture 16,17,18,19,20 The Arabian Nights the Arab world was a world centre for learning, science, arts and philosophy21. The advent and spread of Islam in the Arab world22 and beyond happened in the times the Arabian Nights came to be written and told23. Possibilities exist for some of the stories to have been given a makeover of the Arab culture and beliefs24 to make it more acceptable to the regional masters and citizenry15. It is also possible that many of the stories originated25 from one of the countries with whom Arabia had economic and cultural ties like India26. The stories resonate with the culture and ethos of these places where the Islamic rulers had dominion including the countries the Arabs did business with27. What distinguishes the Arabian Nights from other folklores is the way metaphysics28 is incorporated to highlight ordinary life and situations with supernatural aliens and incidents29. The stories of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sindbad the Sailor, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp30 are some examples of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider Essay

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider in United Kingdom) - Essay Example This commercial sub-brand of the Telefonica UK Limited till date has attained a total customer size of about 23 million. Adding to that, as per the ranking of Ofcom, which is an UK based industry, involved in the regulation and competitiveness measuring of various telecommunication industries, O2 has attained the highest ranking in context to customer satisfaction levels. This commercial sub-brand provides 2G, 3G and 4G network services all across UK. Apart from these, O2 also provides Wi-Fi services. It also owns nearly half of the shares of the Tesco Mobile Limited which is another network operator operating within the UK markets (Telefonica UK Limited, 2014). The main focus objective of this discussion is to effectively evaluate this commercial sub-brand (O2) and provides answers to the following provided questions which have been described in the discussion part of the report. Subsequently, conclusion and recommendation will also be provided accordingly in the later parts of this essay. As can be predicted, the main process for a telecommunication company is all about providing high quality communication and online data services to its customers. However apart from just the service provision activities, other services such as effective customer complaint handling, identification of the needs of the customers and fulfilling them accordingly and effective handling of all the organizational processes also falls under the process part of the extended marketing mix (O2online, 2009). The same goes for this UK based Telecommunication Company (Continuum Learning Pte Ltd, 2010). Moreover, as can be understood from this company’s insights that it provides utmost importance towards delivering high quality of communication service to its customers. Adding to that, the company also believes in context to establishing long term relationships with its customers through bringing about improvisation within their customer

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Racial Profiling And The Police

Racial Profiling And The Police The concern about racial profiling is erupting throughout the country. Many provinces, cities, social groups, and academics have decided to study racial profiling, and how race and ethnicity may play a part in police investigations. Toronto is no different. Allegations of racial profiling have been around for years and still are a subject that creates a lot on media hype and controversy surrounding police. Racial profiling should not be confused in with criminal profiling, because they are two different things (Mucchetti, 2006, pp. 1-32). Racial profiling is not specific to one race or one country. Actually being racially profiled can happen to anyone no matter what race or gender or what country they live in. In Toronto, there have been numerous newspaper and television articles accusing the Toronto Police Service of institutionalized racism and racial profiling (Canadian Race Relations Foundations, 2005). Along with the media articles, there have been complaints filed at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario accusing the Toronto Police Service and its members of racial profiling (The Law Society of Upper Canada, 2009). Naturally, race is what makes allegations of racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service so controversial and, at least at the level of public rhetoric, so condemned. But it is important to rethink racial profiling through the lens of criminal profiling and to reduce race to the role that it is purportedly playing in racial profiling, namely a predictive factor; to treat race no differently than we would gender, class, age, or any other profile that works; to take the focus away from race and place it on criminal profiling more generally. This paper will examine racial profiling by police and explaining it according to the different sociological perspectives of functionalist, conflict, interactionist, and feminist. The paper will also attempt to argue if there is institutional racial profiling by the Toronto Police. My thesis is the Toronto Police does not systematically racially profile, instead they systematically criminally profile. In order to examine racial profiling and criminally profiling one must understand the differences between the two. Although there is no clear or universal definition of racial profiling, there is a common component in all of the definitions (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2009). This paper defines racial profiling as the practice of targeting racial minorities for criminal investigation solely or, in part, on the basis of their skin colour (Court of Appeal for Ontario, 1999). According to the Harvard Latino Law Review, criminal profiling involves: The use of racial or ethnic characteristics by police departments in stopping an individual because his or her description matches that of an actual suspect. In this sense, race functions as the equivalent of hair color or height, which can then be used in combination with other factors to paint a more accurate portrait of a suspected criminal. As a result, generalized notions of criminal propensity are not projected onto an individual because of that persons membership in a particular racial or ethnic group (Mucchetti, 2006, pp. 1-32). . The term racial profiling began in 1980s, when the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the United States developed and used common characteristics to profile drug couriers as part of the agencies war on drugs (Harris, 2006, pp. 213-239). When community members began to complain about police investigations and their actions towards minorities, the use of the profiling technique emerged to be labelled as racial profiling (Ibid). Functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, interactionist perspective, and feminist perspective all propose societies portrayals of discrimination pressure and manipulate individuals to deem their social class, sexual category, race, and sexuality superior over others. Prejudice is caused by psychological and sociological influence, where individuals are manipulated by their surroundings to hate another solemnly based on their disparity This paper concedes that racial profiling may exist on an individual basis within the Toronto Police Service. This was confirmed by Chief Blair of the Toronto Police Service who was speaking a diversity conference and said: Racism is a human failing. Racial profiling can occur. Weve acknowledged that right up front (Doolittle, 2009). Social activist groups along with minorities groups claims of systematic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service exists, and refer to publish articles to support their claims such as the 2002 series of newspaper articles written by the Toronto Star. The Toronto Star newspaper articles used empirical data collected from the Toronto Police Services Criminal Information Processing System (CIPS) database. According to the newspaper articles that examined 480,000 files contained within the database, relating to arrest and traffic stops. The Toronto Star concluded that, Blacks arrested by Toronto Police are treated more harshly than white, and a disproportionate number of black motorists are ticketed for violations that only surface following a traffic stop. This difference, says civil libertarians, community leaders and criminologists, suggest police use racial profiling in deciding whom to pull over (Toronto Star Newspaper, 2009, p. A01). The Toronto Star supported their claims of racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service by providing statistical analysis of the CIPS database which compared the number of arrest and tickets issued to blacks, and showed how disproportionate the numbers were to the number of whites living in Toron to (Ibid). Social groups and minorities further their claims of systematic racially profiled by the Toronto Police Service by using rulings by The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and refer to the recent ruling of Ron Phipps versus the Toronto Police Service. On June 18th, 2009 The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario handed down a decision on a case involving members of the Toronto Police Service and a black Canada Post letter carrier. In the tribunals decision they concluded that Ron Phipps was racially profiled by a white police. The adjudicator wrote in her submission I find that Michael Shaw did discriminate against the applicant on March 9, 2005 in the provision of police services on the basis of colour, contrary to section 1 and 9 of the Code (Canadian Legal Information Institute). Social and minority groups also further their arguments of systematic racial profiling by Toronto Police Service based on the fact that Service does not collect or release race base statistics. They argue that One fears that the only reason the Police Board refuses to release this data is to ensure that the public does not get updated information on racial profiling (Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, 2008). Examining the Toronto Star articles as a police officer, it is obvious that there are errors in their conclusions. The Toronto Star compiled its data using the files contained in the CIPS database, which ONLY contained files relating to arrest and tickets issued to persons. The problem using only this database is that it does not take into account the number of persons the police had investigated where there was no arrest or tickets issued. By only selecting the CIPS database and not the true number of persons stopped by police would have skewed the final results. The Toronto Stars analysis should have used all data which would have either enforcing their claims systemic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service or disproving it. The data-collection by the Toronto Star was also disputed by Allan Gold based on the distinction between reactive and proactive policing (2003, pp. 391-399). Gold argues reactive policing could attribute to claims of racial profiling while proactive policing will not. When it comes to the collection of data, the Toronto Start uses both styles of policing which flawed their conclusion (Ibid). Gold also disagreed with the Toronto Stars use of the general census numbers in its data comparison and their claims that it was a recognized baseline standard. Gold argues that no reputable researcher would use the figures from the general census and in fact, the American literature on racial profiling makes it clear that the uses of the general census as a baseline is worthless (2003, pp. 391-399). He further claims that the construction of the baseline is crucial and because of that fact, the Toronto Star article should be dismissed (Ibid). The Ontario Human Rights Commission uses the following definition of racial profiling: any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection that relies on stereotypes about race, colour, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, or place of origin, or a combination of these, rather than on a reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment (2009). The Ontario Human Rights Commissions definition is much broader then the definition used by the courts; the practice of targeting racial minorities for criminal investigation solely or, in part, on the basis of their skin colour (Court of Appeal for Ontario, 1999). The Ontario Human Rights Commission broad definition of racial profiling does not allow the factor of race to play any part in a police officers decision. This means that no matter what if police use race as a factor at anytime, then he or she is racially profiling according to the Commissions definition. In the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal decision where Ron Phipps filed a complaint of racial profiling against members of the Toronto Police Service, the adjudicator said: In this case, as in many cases alleging racial discrimination, there is no direct evidence that race was a factor in the officers decision to take the actions that he did (Canadian Legal Information Institute, 2009). Even with this statement, the adjudicator found the member of the Toronto Police Service guilty saying: I find that Michael Shaw did discriminate against the applicant on March 9, 2005 (Ibid). The problem with the Tribunals decision is that the adjudicator used circumstantial evidence in her decision of quilt, but should have used a clear defined evidence based system instead. According to Chief Blair of the Toronto Police Service, the ruling created an impossibly high standard and you can have the best of intentions and be totally without bias but none of that matters if someone wants to believe you are biased (Lesley Ciarula Taylor, 2009). In the recent Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership campaign, Tim Hudak and Randy Hillier both members of the Ontario Parliament called for the overhaul of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (The Canadian Press, 2009). They claimed the current system is dysfunctional and called for evidence based system one similar to the family court system instead of a system that is based on hurt feelings (Ibid). The argument of race based crime statistics date back to 1929 (Johnston, 1994, p. 166). Social activist groups along with minorities groups have argued that the reason Toronto Police Service is not releasing race based crime statistics is due to the that fact they are racial profiling (Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, 2008) . In fact in 1989 the opposite argument was used by community groups when then Inspector Julian Fantino released crime based statistics, claiming them to be inherently racist (Johnston, 1994, p. 166). According to Robin S. Engel an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati and Director of the University of Cincinnati Policing Institute, Data will never prove or disprove racially biased policing, we contend that vehicle stop data collection and analysis should never be viewed-either by police or resident stakeholders-as a pass fail test. Rather, it should be viewed as a diagnostic tool to help pinpoint the decisions, geographic areas, and procedures that should get priority attention when the agency, in concert with concerned residents, identifies its next steps for addressing the problem or perception of racial profiling (2008, pp. 1-36). Systematic is defined in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary as methodical in procedure or plan (2009). In order for the arguments of systematic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service to be true, the Service would have to have policies or procedures in place that sanctioned it. In fact the Toronto Police Service does not sanction any form of racial profiling by its members. The Service has numerous rules and procedures that prohibit racial profiling along with a Diversity Management Unit that monitors all human rights complaints and ensures that all members provide a bias-free service to the community (2009). Members of the Toronto Police Service are constantly being advised of their responsibility in providing a bias-free service to the community. These reminders are done through training and education, the Services Core Values and letters to the members of the Service, such as a letter written in 2003 by then Chief Juilian Fantino who wrote; we must be aware that social and institutional pressures can lead to unacceptable instances of racial bias in policing. Police officers must make their decisions to engage the public based on the actions or conduct that they observe, on actual witness information and/or on hand evidence. Police officers must have articulable cause or reasonable grounds in order to pursue legitimate law enforcement activities with a member of the public. We must not make any decision to stop, question and/or search citizens based solely on a persons race. All of us, at all times, must provide equitable and respectful service to all persons regardless of race. I believe that the best way to deal with this and all other issues is simply by always treating people, all people, professionally. Lets continue to treat all people and each other with dignity and respect. Professional conduct means that we will never go wrong or be found wanting in our dealings with all components of our diverse society (Toronto Police Service, 2003). Although the Toronto Police Service does not systematically racially profile, they do systematically criminally profile. Criminal profiling also known as Criminal Investigative Analysis (CIA) is an effective tool enabling law enforcement agencies to enforce the law more effectively (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). The origins of criminal profiling can be traced back to 1800s when it was first used in case to identify Jack to Ripper (Winerman, 2004, p. 66). The current use of criminal profiling by law enforcement was developed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in the United States by their Behaviour Science Unit (Ibid). Criminal profiling can be broken into two stages; the first could be described as general profiling and the second as specific profiling (Palermo, 2002, pp. 383-385). General profiling is part of an officers everyday duties and investigations of any crime, such as traffic stops, while specific profiling is more refined in the officers approach to evidence and crime scene investigations (Ibid). Criminal profiling can also take on several forms. The first form of criminal profiling can be institutional, which is where the organization develops the profile of the offender, while the second for can be formed by the individual officer. This form of criminal profiling is developed by the officer from his or her personal experiences (Higgins Gabbidon, 2009, pp. 77-88). In todays policing, Toronto Police Service front-line officers incorporated the general profiling aspect of criminal profiling when performing their general duties but will on occasion incorporate specific profiling aspects when responding to a serious radio call. The officers will also use both organizational and individual forms of criminal profiling as well. A basic form of institutional criminal profiling is taught to members of the Toronto Police Service when he or she attends the Ontario Police College as a basic recruit. The recruits are provided the necessary knowledge of laws, procedures and skills that will help them perform their duties as frontline officers. With emphasis on the core function of police services found in the Ontario Police Service Act section 4(2) which focuses on Crime Prevention, Law Enforcement, Assistance to Victims of Crime, Public Order Maintenance, and Emergency Response (2009). The officers are also provided training a variety of subjects including, ethics, anti-racism and community policing (Ibid). The training does not stop when a officer leave the Ontario Police College, the officers are further trained at the Toronto Police College in the Services Rule and Procedures, Core Values and Mission Statement of the Service along with officer safety training. Officers develop individual criminal profiling skills when they start patrolling the streets of Toronto. The officer will respond to thousands of calls varying from thefts, domestics, fights, to vehicle stops. Each time the officer interacts with the individuals, he or she develops their own brand of policing and individual criminal profiling. A more formal institutional style of criminal profiling is incorporated when it comes to serious crimes such as sexual assaults and homicides. It is more specific and uses analyst to develop a profile of a potential suspect, using all available data. The officers then take this profile onto the street of Toronto to look for a suspect. In community policing, officers work closely with problem communities, in developing strategies to help the community combat crime. Working with the community, officers receive information on potential criminal activities and individuals within the community so that they can develop strategies to reduce crime. Officers will incorporate all aspects of criminal profiling to either be reactive or proactive in an attempt to reduce criminality. Being reactive, officers focus their attention on direct information that is received from the community to reduce the current problem within the community. Proactive policing will allow the officers to profile activities and individuals within the community to prevent further victimization. Officers also use criminal profiling when they perform traffic stops. The officer use individual criminal profiling when he or she selects an area to monitor the traffic flow, which is based on the officers personal experience. The officer might select an area where there is a high rate of incidences of failing to stop at a sign or a section or roadway where vehicle speed. When the officer decides to stop the vehicle for a violation of the Highway Traffic Act, he or she again criminally profiles the vehicle and occupants for officer safety reasons. The officer will conduct registration checks on the vehicle and the registered owner, all the time observing the occupants of the vehicle before stopping the vehicle, in order identify any criminal activity. This part of criminal profiling it taught to the officers by the Ontario Police College and the Toronto Police College (institutional criminal profiling) as part of the Officers Safety Section within both colleges, in order to keep the officer safe. There are those who argue that criminal profiling is not supported by scientific evidence and should be dismisses as rhetoric and never be used. This paper agrees that criminal profiling is limited in empirical data but is still a useful tool to combat crime. According to a research study which states, criminal profiling will persist as a pseudoscientific technique until such time as empirical and reproducible studies are conducted on the abilities of large groups of active profilers to predict, with more precision and greater magnitude, the characteristics of offenders (Snook, Eastwood, Gendreau, Goggin Cullen, 2007, pp. 437-453). Each time when a members of the Toronto Police Service uses criminal profiling while investigating individuals, they are trained to reduce the factor of race so that it is equal to all the other factors of the investigation. In conclusion, the Toronto Police Service does not systematically racially profile as the media, social and minority groups would have us believe. In order for the Toronto Police Service to be blamed for systematically racially profiling, the Service would have to be a plan or procedure in place to support it. The Toronto Police Service does not support any form of racial profiling by it members. In fact the Service is working with the Ontario Human Rights Commission to ensure that the officers being hired reflect the diversity of the City of Toronto, the officers are trained in ethics, and diversity and what constitutes racial bias policing (2009). Criminal profiling plays a crucial and significant role in deterring and combating criminal behaviour and activity. Criminal profiling provides a valuable tool for police in which they can assess and analyze the patterns of criminal behaviour (Turvey, 2008, pp. 1-43). The Toronto Police Service systematically criminally profiles and treats the race component of criminal profiling no differently than they would gender, class, age, or any other profile that works.