Thursday, October 31, 2019

Arab Culture and Beliefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab Culture and Beliefs - Essay Example The Islamic faith had taken roots in the 6th century AD in Saudi Arabia and spread out into the surrounding regions. The Islamic rulers were trained in the art of warfare, astute statesmen and able administrators6. They ruled with an iron hand but they were fair in their dealings7. They were patrons of literature, arts, science and philosophy8. Trade, education and military expeditions were high on their agenda and they carried out these in the best tradition9 and vision the newly found religion propagated and expounded10 (Saudi Arabia: Culture). Hence, given the ideal state of affairs storytellers flourished11. These bards were thoroughly familiar with the fallacies and foibles of all men from at all levels12. They were either trained in the art of storytelling or were motivated13 enough to stir up their imaginations to arouse interest and maintain it through mentally manufactured plots which they narrated before gaping, awe-struck audience14. Which audience will resist the temptation to hear accounts of rags to riches episodes15 couched with mysterious events, adventures, gallant heroes, beautiful women, eccentric rulers, scheming villains, strange beings and beasts, and rounded up with the most unlikely and profound endings.16 The Arab culture of medieval times provide the fantastic backgro... The Arab culture of medieval times provide the fantastic background of valor and wealth, innocence and greed, intrigue and deceit, ogre and jinn, and a rich variety of oriental charm and chicanery17 to embellish the Arabian Nights with the unique touch and brand of a world where the interplay of facts and fiction18 gave both an aura of invincibility and supernatural powers to perform the impossible.19 The Arabian Nights tantalizingly reflect the heydays of Arabia's past glory20 when ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11,12,13,14,15 Saudi Arabia: Culture 16,17,18,19,20 The Arabian Nights the Arab world was a world centre for learning, science, arts and philosophy21. The advent and spread of Islam in the Arab world22 and beyond happened in the times the Arabian Nights came to be written and told23. Possibilities exist for some of the stories to have been given a makeover of the Arab culture and beliefs24 to make it more acceptable to the regional masters and citizenry15. It is also possible that many of the stories originated25 from one of the countries with whom Arabia had economic and cultural ties like India26. The stories resonate with the culture and ethos of these places where the Islamic rulers had dominion including the countries the Arabs did business with27. What distinguishes the Arabian Nights from other folklores is the way metaphysics28 is incorporated to highlight ordinary life and situations with supernatural aliens and incidents29. The stories of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sindbad the Sailor, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp30 are some examples of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider Essay

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider in United Kingdom) - Essay Example This commercial sub-brand of the Telefonica UK Limited till date has attained a total customer size of about 23 million. Adding to that, as per the ranking of Ofcom, which is an UK based industry, involved in the regulation and competitiveness measuring of various telecommunication industries, O2 has attained the highest ranking in context to customer satisfaction levels. This commercial sub-brand provides 2G, 3G and 4G network services all across UK. Apart from these, O2 also provides Wi-Fi services. It also owns nearly half of the shares of the Tesco Mobile Limited which is another network operator operating within the UK markets (Telefonica UK Limited, 2014). The main focus objective of this discussion is to effectively evaluate this commercial sub-brand (O2) and provides answers to the following provided questions which have been described in the discussion part of the report. Subsequently, conclusion and recommendation will also be provided accordingly in the later parts of this essay. As can be predicted, the main process for a telecommunication company is all about providing high quality communication and online data services to its customers. However apart from just the service provision activities, other services such as effective customer complaint handling, identification of the needs of the customers and fulfilling them accordingly and effective handling of all the organizational processes also falls under the process part of the extended marketing mix (O2online, 2009). The same goes for this UK based Telecommunication Company (Continuum Learning Pte Ltd, 2010). Moreover, as can be understood from this company’s insights that it provides utmost importance towards delivering high quality of communication service to its customers. Adding to that, the company also believes in context to establishing long term relationships with its customers through bringing about improvisation within their customer

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Racial Profiling And The Police

Racial Profiling And The Police The concern about racial profiling is erupting throughout the country. Many provinces, cities, social groups, and academics have decided to study racial profiling, and how race and ethnicity may play a part in police investigations. Toronto is no different. Allegations of racial profiling have been around for years and still are a subject that creates a lot on media hype and controversy surrounding police. Racial profiling should not be confused in with criminal profiling, because they are two different things (Mucchetti, 2006, pp. 1-32). Racial profiling is not specific to one race or one country. Actually being racially profiled can happen to anyone no matter what race or gender or what country they live in. In Toronto, there have been numerous newspaper and television articles accusing the Toronto Police Service of institutionalized racism and racial profiling (Canadian Race Relations Foundations, 2005). Along with the media articles, there have been complaints filed at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario accusing the Toronto Police Service and its members of racial profiling (The Law Society of Upper Canada, 2009). Naturally, race is what makes allegations of racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service so controversial and, at least at the level of public rhetoric, so condemned. But it is important to rethink racial profiling through the lens of criminal profiling and to reduce race to the role that it is purportedly playing in racial profiling, namely a predictive factor; to treat race no differently than we would gender, class, age, or any other profile that works; to take the focus away from race and place it on criminal profiling more generally. This paper will examine racial profiling by police and explaining it according to the different sociological perspectives of functionalist, conflict, interactionist, and feminist. The paper will also attempt to argue if there is institutional racial profiling by the Toronto Police. My thesis is the Toronto Police does not systematically racially profile, instead they systematically criminally profile. In order to examine racial profiling and criminally profiling one must understand the differences between the two. Although there is no clear or universal definition of racial profiling, there is a common component in all of the definitions (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2009). This paper defines racial profiling as the practice of targeting racial minorities for criminal investigation solely or, in part, on the basis of their skin colour (Court of Appeal for Ontario, 1999). According to the Harvard Latino Law Review, criminal profiling involves: The use of racial or ethnic characteristics by police departments in stopping an individual because his or her description matches that of an actual suspect. In this sense, race functions as the equivalent of hair color or height, which can then be used in combination with other factors to paint a more accurate portrait of a suspected criminal. As a result, generalized notions of criminal propensity are not projected onto an individual because of that persons membership in a particular racial or ethnic group (Mucchetti, 2006, pp. 1-32). . The term racial profiling began in 1980s, when the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the United States developed and used common characteristics to profile drug couriers as part of the agencies war on drugs (Harris, 2006, pp. 213-239). When community members began to complain about police investigations and their actions towards minorities, the use of the profiling technique emerged to be labelled as racial profiling (Ibid). Functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, interactionist perspective, and feminist perspective all propose societies portrayals of discrimination pressure and manipulate individuals to deem their social class, sexual category, race, and sexuality superior over others. Prejudice is caused by psychological and sociological influence, where individuals are manipulated by their surroundings to hate another solemnly based on their disparity This paper concedes that racial profiling may exist on an individual basis within the Toronto Police Service. This was confirmed by Chief Blair of the Toronto Police Service who was speaking a diversity conference and said: Racism is a human failing. Racial profiling can occur. Weve acknowledged that right up front (Doolittle, 2009). Social activist groups along with minorities groups claims of systematic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service exists, and refer to publish articles to support their claims such as the 2002 series of newspaper articles written by the Toronto Star. The Toronto Star newspaper articles used empirical data collected from the Toronto Police Services Criminal Information Processing System (CIPS) database. According to the newspaper articles that examined 480,000 files contained within the database, relating to arrest and traffic stops. The Toronto Star concluded that, Blacks arrested by Toronto Police are treated more harshly than white, and a disproportionate number of black motorists are ticketed for violations that only surface following a traffic stop. This difference, says civil libertarians, community leaders and criminologists, suggest police use racial profiling in deciding whom to pull over (Toronto Star Newspaper, 2009, p. A01). The Toronto Star supported their claims of racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service by providing statistical analysis of the CIPS database which compared the number of arrest and tickets issued to blacks, and showed how disproportionate the numbers were to the number of whites living in Toron to (Ibid). Social groups and minorities further their claims of systematic racially profiled by the Toronto Police Service by using rulings by The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and refer to the recent ruling of Ron Phipps versus the Toronto Police Service. On June 18th, 2009 The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario handed down a decision on a case involving members of the Toronto Police Service and a black Canada Post letter carrier. In the tribunals decision they concluded that Ron Phipps was racially profiled by a white police. The adjudicator wrote in her submission I find that Michael Shaw did discriminate against the applicant on March 9, 2005 in the provision of police services on the basis of colour, contrary to section 1 and 9 of the Code (Canadian Legal Information Institute). Social and minority groups also further their arguments of systematic racial profiling by Toronto Police Service based on the fact that Service does not collect or release race base statistics. They argue that One fears that the only reason the Police Board refuses to release this data is to ensure that the public does not get updated information on racial profiling (Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, 2008). Examining the Toronto Star articles as a police officer, it is obvious that there are errors in their conclusions. The Toronto Star compiled its data using the files contained in the CIPS database, which ONLY contained files relating to arrest and tickets issued to persons. The problem using only this database is that it does not take into account the number of persons the police had investigated where there was no arrest or tickets issued. By only selecting the CIPS database and not the true number of persons stopped by police would have skewed the final results. The Toronto Stars analysis should have used all data which would have either enforcing their claims systemic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service or disproving it. The data-collection by the Toronto Star was also disputed by Allan Gold based on the distinction between reactive and proactive policing (2003, pp. 391-399). Gold argues reactive policing could attribute to claims of racial profiling while proactive policing will not. When it comes to the collection of data, the Toronto Start uses both styles of policing which flawed their conclusion (Ibid). Gold also disagreed with the Toronto Stars use of the general census numbers in its data comparison and their claims that it was a recognized baseline standard. Gold argues that no reputable researcher would use the figures from the general census and in fact, the American literature on racial profiling makes it clear that the uses of the general census as a baseline is worthless (2003, pp. 391-399). He further claims that the construction of the baseline is crucial and because of that fact, the Toronto Star article should be dismissed (Ibid). The Ontario Human Rights Commission uses the following definition of racial profiling: any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection that relies on stereotypes about race, colour, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, or place of origin, or a combination of these, rather than on a reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment (2009). The Ontario Human Rights Commissions definition is much broader then the definition used by the courts; the practice of targeting racial minorities for criminal investigation solely or, in part, on the basis of their skin colour (Court of Appeal for Ontario, 1999). The Ontario Human Rights Commission broad definition of racial profiling does not allow the factor of race to play any part in a police officers decision. This means that no matter what if police use race as a factor at anytime, then he or she is racially profiling according to the Commissions definition. In the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal decision where Ron Phipps filed a complaint of racial profiling against members of the Toronto Police Service, the adjudicator said: In this case, as in many cases alleging racial discrimination, there is no direct evidence that race was a factor in the officers decision to take the actions that he did (Canadian Legal Information Institute, 2009). Even with this statement, the adjudicator found the member of the Toronto Police Service guilty saying: I find that Michael Shaw did discriminate against the applicant on March 9, 2005 (Ibid). The problem with the Tribunals decision is that the adjudicator used circumstantial evidence in her decision of quilt, but should have used a clear defined evidence based system instead. According to Chief Blair of the Toronto Police Service, the ruling created an impossibly high standard and you can have the best of intentions and be totally without bias but none of that matters if someone wants to believe you are biased (Lesley Ciarula Taylor, 2009). In the recent Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership campaign, Tim Hudak and Randy Hillier both members of the Ontario Parliament called for the overhaul of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (The Canadian Press, 2009). They claimed the current system is dysfunctional and called for evidence based system one similar to the family court system instead of a system that is based on hurt feelings (Ibid). The argument of race based crime statistics date back to 1929 (Johnston, 1994, p. 166). Social activist groups along with minorities groups have argued that the reason Toronto Police Service is not releasing race based crime statistics is due to the that fact they are racial profiling (Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, 2008) . In fact in 1989 the opposite argument was used by community groups when then Inspector Julian Fantino released crime based statistics, claiming them to be inherently racist (Johnston, 1994, p. 166). According to Robin S. Engel an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati and Director of the University of Cincinnati Policing Institute, Data will never prove or disprove racially biased policing, we contend that vehicle stop data collection and analysis should never be viewed-either by police or resident stakeholders-as a pass fail test. Rather, it should be viewed as a diagnostic tool to help pinpoint the decisions, geographic areas, and procedures that should get priority attention when the agency, in concert with concerned residents, identifies its next steps for addressing the problem or perception of racial profiling (2008, pp. 1-36). Systematic is defined in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary as methodical in procedure or plan (2009). In order for the arguments of systematic racial profiling by the Toronto Police Service to be true, the Service would have to have policies or procedures in place that sanctioned it. In fact the Toronto Police Service does not sanction any form of racial profiling by its members. The Service has numerous rules and procedures that prohibit racial profiling along with a Diversity Management Unit that monitors all human rights complaints and ensures that all members provide a bias-free service to the community (2009). Members of the Toronto Police Service are constantly being advised of their responsibility in providing a bias-free service to the community. These reminders are done through training and education, the Services Core Values and letters to the members of the Service, such as a letter written in 2003 by then Chief Juilian Fantino who wrote; we must be aware that social and institutional pressures can lead to unacceptable instances of racial bias in policing. Police officers must make their decisions to engage the public based on the actions or conduct that they observe, on actual witness information and/or on hand evidence. Police officers must have articulable cause or reasonable grounds in order to pursue legitimate law enforcement activities with a member of the public. We must not make any decision to stop, question and/or search citizens based solely on a persons race. All of us, at all times, must provide equitable and respectful service to all persons regardless of race. I believe that the best way to deal with this and all other issues is simply by always treating people, all people, professionally. Lets continue to treat all people and each other with dignity and respect. Professional conduct means that we will never go wrong or be found wanting in our dealings with all components of our diverse society (Toronto Police Service, 2003). Although the Toronto Police Service does not systematically racially profile, they do systematically criminally profile. Criminal profiling also known as Criminal Investigative Analysis (CIA) is an effective tool enabling law enforcement agencies to enforce the law more effectively (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). The origins of criminal profiling can be traced back to 1800s when it was first used in case to identify Jack to Ripper (Winerman, 2004, p. 66). The current use of criminal profiling by law enforcement was developed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in the United States by their Behaviour Science Unit (Ibid). Criminal profiling can be broken into two stages; the first could be described as general profiling and the second as specific profiling (Palermo, 2002, pp. 383-385). General profiling is part of an officers everyday duties and investigations of any crime, such as traffic stops, while specific profiling is more refined in the officers approach to evidence and crime scene investigations (Ibid). Criminal profiling can also take on several forms. The first form of criminal profiling can be institutional, which is where the organization develops the profile of the offender, while the second for can be formed by the individual officer. This form of criminal profiling is developed by the officer from his or her personal experiences (Higgins Gabbidon, 2009, pp. 77-88). In todays policing, Toronto Police Service front-line officers incorporated the general profiling aspect of criminal profiling when performing their general duties but will on occasion incorporate specific profiling aspects when responding to a serious radio call. The officers will also use both organizational and individual forms of criminal profiling as well. A basic form of institutional criminal profiling is taught to members of the Toronto Police Service when he or she attends the Ontario Police College as a basic recruit. The recruits are provided the necessary knowledge of laws, procedures and skills that will help them perform their duties as frontline officers. With emphasis on the core function of police services found in the Ontario Police Service Act section 4(2) which focuses on Crime Prevention, Law Enforcement, Assistance to Victims of Crime, Public Order Maintenance, and Emergency Response (2009). The officers are also provided training a variety of subjects including, ethics, anti-racism and community policing (Ibid). The training does not stop when a officer leave the Ontario Police College, the officers are further trained at the Toronto Police College in the Services Rule and Procedures, Core Values and Mission Statement of the Service along with officer safety training. Officers develop individual criminal profiling skills when they start patrolling the streets of Toronto. The officer will respond to thousands of calls varying from thefts, domestics, fights, to vehicle stops. Each time the officer interacts with the individuals, he or she develops their own brand of policing and individual criminal profiling. A more formal institutional style of criminal profiling is incorporated when it comes to serious crimes such as sexual assaults and homicides. It is more specific and uses analyst to develop a profile of a potential suspect, using all available data. The officers then take this profile onto the street of Toronto to look for a suspect. In community policing, officers work closely with problem communities, in developing strategies to help the community combat crime. Working with the community, officers receive information on potential criminal activities and individuals within the community so that they can develop strategies to reduce crime. Officers will incorporate all aspects of criminal profiling to either be reactive or proactive in an attempt to reduce criminality. Being reactive, officers focus their attention on direct information that is received from the community to reduce the current problem within the community. Proactive policing will allow the officers to profile activities and individuals within the community to prevent further victimization. Officers also use criminal profiling when they perform traffic stops. The officer use individual criminal profiling when he or she selects an area to monitor the traffic flow, which is based on the officers personal experience. The officer might select an area where there is a high rate of incidences of failing to stop at a sign or a section or roadway where vehicle speed. When the officer decides to stop the vehicle for a violation of the Highway Traffic Act, he or she again criminally profiles the vehicle and occupants for officer safety reasons. The officer will conduct registration checks on the vehicle and the registered owner, all the time observing the occupants of the vehicle before stopping the vehicle, in order identify any criminal activity. This part of criminal profiling it taught to the officers by the Ontario Police College and the Toronto Police College (institutional criminal profiling) as part of the Officers Safety Section within both colleges, in order to keep the officer safe. There are those who argue that criminal profiling is not supported by scientific evidence and should be dismisses as rhetoric and never be used. This paper agrees that criminal profiling is limited in empirical data but is still a useful tool to combat crime. According to a research study which states, criminal profiling will persist as a pseudoscientific technique until such time as empirical and reproducible studies are conducted on the abilities of large groups of active profilers to predict, with more precision and greater magnitude, the characteristics of offenders (Snook, Eastwood, Gendreau, Goggin Cullen, 2007, pp. 437-453). Each time when a members of the Toronto Police Service uses criminal profiling while investigating individuals, they are trained to reduce the factor of race so that it is equal to all the other factors of the investigation. In conclusion, the Toronto Police Service does not systematically racially profile as the media, social and minority groups would have us believe. In order for the Toronto Police Service to be blamed for systematically racially profiling, the Service would have to be a plan or procedure in place to support it. The Toronto Police Service does not support any form of racial profiling by it members. In fact the Service is working with the Ontario Human Rights Commission to ensure that the officers being hired reflect the diversity of the City of Toronto, the officers are trained in ethics, and diversity and what constitutes racial bias policing (2009). Criminal profiling plays a crucial and significant role in deterring and combating criminal behaviour and activity. Criminal profiling provides a valuable tool for police in which they can assess and analyze the patterns of criminal behaviour (Turvey, 2008, pp. 1-43). The Toronto Police Service systematically criminally profiles and treats the race component of criminal profiling no differently than they would gender, class, age, or any other profile that works.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Sense of Justice :: Law College Admissions Essays

A Sense of Justice "It's midnight, and I'm standing in "the yard" after a powerful speech at Memorial Church just a few hours ago. The night is chilly, and I unravel the sweater from around my waist and place it upon my shoulders. As I stand freezing in the yard, a steady stream of friends and associates pass by me offering "congratulations". A short time before, I had delivered the introductory speech for our Black History Month campus guest speaker, Johnny Cochran. As I stood freezing in the yard, I was humbled. Cochran's message that night was that vigilant and systemic protest has profound power and can help deliver social justice. His message rang as true as Malcolm X's call to social action from the same podium more than thirty years before. And, now, as the stars lit the yard electric, Cochran's words took me back to the first time I understood what "protest" meant to me and my sense of justice. It was my first year at the most venerable institution in the world, and my high-school dreams had been achieved. Yet, that fall, I was feeling empty inside. As I drowned my sorrows in a latte at Au Bon Pain near the "T" entrance, I noticed a large crowd gathering outside. I later learned that a short time before, an undergraduate running to the co-op had carelessly knocked a homeless man to the ground. As I looked up from my latte, I saw a homeless man crawling around the sidewalk, yelling something about being unable to see and cursing profusely. Nearby, I saw a woman I recognized as a senior, crawling around on the ground with him. Finally, she stood up, with a pair of broken glasses in hand. "You bastard!" she screamed at the retreating undergraduate. I didn't know what to think. I had never seen a white homeless person before, and certainly not one being helped by a black woman. I approached the woman and told her my name. She was still clearly flustered and angry, her brown eyes flashing amid an expanse of curly hair. "They just don't get it!" she grumbled angrily. I silently looked down. Suddenly, she turned to me. "Sometimes, we've got to sit down and stand up for the dignity of human kind. Sometimes, we've got to do what's right." Silently, I nodded my head.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Operations management at Oregon facility Essay

There are a number of problems in the operations at the Oregon Facility which significantly impacts on its production. These problems include growing internal pressure for a new distribution facility in the Pacific Northwest. As well, there are quality related problems in Nebraska as well as material and inventory handling problems which also lead to an increase in production cost. Despite customer service being a very important aspect in the positive growth of any company, the facility is also coupled with customer service problems within its distribution locations where most customers end up wasting a lot of time in picking up their products. All these problems have since led to a decline in the performance. These problems have their significance in that they trigger the divisional research and engineering departments located at these facilities to provide internal consultation for the divisional research and engineering groups. Therefore these departments are motivated to look into the matter thus they can also identify other looming problems before they arise. (Mason & Jablokow, 2006, pp. 78-82). Another significance of the problems encountered in all the three facilities is that these problems enable the use of operation management tools geared towards improving the existing problems by developing ways that lead to significant changes and these impact on the whole facility at large not just the areas facing problems. (Simester, 2006). Solving the aforementioned problems at the T, P and S facilities, will subsequently lead to relative benefits that may subsequently arise. These benefits include the realization of increased performance for the capacity. Increase in their performance may also result to lower production costs and in turn this may also lead to fair prices that may attract the consumers. (Pearson, 2007). Solving the customer service problems means that the customer satisfaction will be raised. When customers are satisfied they are likely to keep on buying products from the Oregon facility and this will increase the facility’s sales volumes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why We Crave Horror Paper

Essay 5: Position Paper50 pts Description:4-5 pages, double-spaced, plus a separate MLA-format Works Cited page Skills:Everything! Due:First Draft:Friday, 10 December (in-class discussion) Final Draft:Monday, 13 December (Submit during Final Exam time: 2:45-4:45pm) Sources:Reading Critically, Writing Well (RC) pp. 517-534, 582-595; Stephen King, â€Å"Why We Crave Horror,† â€Å"Crouch End;† Fritz Leiber, â€Å"Smoke Ghost;† Algernon Blackwood, â€Å"The Empty House;† Noel Carroll, â€Å"The Nature of Horror† (optional)For your final paper, you will be required to make use of the above resources to explain, support, and defend your position against critique on the subject of horror in the absence of easily identifiable violence, gore, or monsters. You may argue with or against King and Carroll, or provide your own definition of horror and how it anticipates gore-less horror better than previous definitions. Since there are no right or wrong answers in this discussion, you will be judged on the strength of your argument for your position and how you present your analysis. Assignment: ) Present the issue. †¢ Summarize the King and Carroll definitions of horror and their successes/failings.†¢ Establish your credibility by generously discussing previous arguments on the function of horror. o Make sure to avoid emotional/personal opinions and instead stick to the texts. 2) Assert your position. †¢ Give examples from the readings that fit well/do not fit with the definition of horror as presented by King and Carroll. o Critique your own analysis using any of the Developing Your Argument skills (RC pp. 360-361), as well as Evaluating the Logic of an Argument (p. 24-640. 3) Argue directly for your position. †¢ Continue to establish your credibility with your audience by showing how your position alters/upholds the definition of horror as established. o Be willing to take a side in the argument, but avoid setting up straw-man arguments for the opposition. Carroll and/or King don’t have to be wrong for you to be right.4) Critique any relevant counter-arguments, objections, questions, or alternatives. †¢ Since no position will be perfect, try to accommodate any concerns or issues relating to your discussion of horror. Options (you may choose one or all): ? Accommodation: modify your position to suit relevant objections. ? Refutation: show the reader that any likely alternatives will not be as effective in describing the function of horror as you see it. ? Integration: demonstrate how your position can work together with other options to provide a more comprehensive take on the horror genre.Criteria for Evaluation: †¢ Analysis: 20 points o Has a strong, focused explanation of the sources using RC skills learned so far. o Supports the initial thesis with evidence (i. e. details from the source) and offers in-depth analysis of those details. †¢ Sources: 10 points o Productivel y uses both the RC and the sources. o Features effective paraphrasing and selective quotation. †¢ Organization: 10 points o Offers strong topic sentences that logically develop and extend the analysis (i. e. , no random accumulation of facts or bullet-point narrative). o Proceeds logically from one point to the next in a climactic sequence. o Clearly links claims and evidence. o Uses smooth transitions between points. †¢ Readability: 10 points o Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and MLA citation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Review of From Blue to Grey essays

A Review of From Blue to Grey essays For my book review assignment I have chosen From Blue to Grey, written by Gerard A. Patterson. (Mechanicsburg, P@ Stackpole Books, 2001, 131 pages). Mr. Patterson has chronicled the life of a Confederate General named Cadmus M. Wilcox, a West Point graduate who was just beginning what promised to be a successful career with the U.S. Army, before the onset of the Civil War. The thesis promises a personal perspective of how the Civil War redirected the life of Cadmus Wilcox. An explanation of the reasons that drove this man, and others like him, to turn away from a promising career, and embrace the newly formed Confederacy. The consequences of this decision, both during and after the war, that shaped the life of the young lieutenant. To accomplish this task, Mr. Patterson sites information from a wide selection of manuscripts, articles and books. More importantly, what really supports Mr. Patterson book is General Wilcoxs own testimonial. Though the use of personal family letters and other correspondence from the war, one gains a personal insight about this Confederate General. Gerard A. Patterson retired from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 1995, since his retirement, he has spent his time concentrating on Civil War research and writing. The Jacket Cover discloses that he has written four other books on topics from this era; Rebels From West Point, Justice or Atrocity: Gen George E. Pickett and the Kinston, N.C. Hangings, and Debris of Battle: The wounded of Gettysburg. He has contributed numerous articles to Civil War Times Illustrated, American History and other history related publications. This book follows a detailed chronological path and is written from a somewhat Confederate viewpoint. Even though it is a bit one-sided in the explanation of why events unfolded as they did during the war, Mr. Pattersons account is both logical and exciting to read. Mr. Patterson is very ski...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cs Se File Essay Example

Cs Se File Essay Example Cs Se File Essay Cs Se File Essay Name______ _________________________________ Student ID____ ________________________________ Homework 1 Due: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 All answers must be clear and to the point and on the page they were asked. Do not repeat the question. Do not email the homework in. Bring it to class on or before the day it is do, otherwise put it in my mailbox. 1) Numbers can be represented in binary (using 2 symbols 0 and 1) and hexadecimal ( 16 symbols 0.. 9,1,A.. F) amount other ways . a) Represent the hexadecimal number 3F in decimal 3. b) Represent the hexadecimal number 3F in Binary 111111. c) Represent the decimal number 65536 in hexadecimal 10000 2) When resenting a decimal number as like eight as â€Å"all lights on† and 0 as all lights on except the middle one, the login for the bottom line is: on for 0, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and off for 1,4,7 and you don’t care for number between 10 and 16 because that will never be the input. Design a 4 input 1 out electronic device that will re present the bottom line of the digital display using gates. ) Implement counting semaphores using only binary semaphores. That is, using only system implemented binary semaphores with corresponding P and V operations, create two functions CP(Counting P) and CV(Counting V) that behave the same as P and V for counting semaphores would. 4) a) In the Dijkstra’s Bankers algorithm, what is a safe state? A safe state is considered as if it is possible for all processes to finish executing (terminate). b) N processes share M resource units that can be reserved and release only one at a time. The maximum need of each process does not exceed M, and the sum of all maximum needs is less than M+N. Can a deadlock occur in the system (yes or no). Prove your answer. 5) a) Given process resource usage and availability as described in the table below, draw the resource allocations graph. | Allocated| Outstanding Requests| Resources Available| Processes| R1| R2| R3| R1| R2| R3| R1| R2| R3| P1P2P3P4| 2310| 0131| 0001| 1000| 1001| 0010| 0| 0| 0| b) Is this system deadlocked? Show why or why not? ) Invent you own question related to the each topics or processes, critical sections, deadlocks, paging etc. Then, answer it correctly. If it is a good test question, then it may be on a test for this class. Note: a good test questions is one that: * can be answered somewhat quickly * if a student understands the topic very well, the student will get full credit * if a student understands the topic somewhat well, the student will get partial credit if the student doesn’t understand th e topic, the student will not get any credit

Saturday, October 19, 2019

And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None Agatha Christie was born on September 15th, 1890 in Torquay, England. Her name at birth was Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, and her parents were Clarissa Boehmer of Belfast, Ireland and Frederick Miller, an American. Agatha was the youngest of three children, and grew up very alone because of the age gap of over ten years between her siblings. Her father passed away when she was only eleven years old, leaving her to grow up with her mother’s care. In 1906 Agatha traveled to Paris where she studied singing and piano ( She didn’t discover her talent for writing until she was older. Years later on Christmas Eve ( 1914, the Miller girl became Agatha Christie after marrying war Captain Archibald Christie. The two became parents in 1919 when they had their daughter, Rosalind. Before then, throughout 1914 to 1918, Agatha worked as a hospital and dispensary nurse during World War I. That was where she developed her vast knowledge involving poisons, drugs an d medicines ( In 1920, Christie published her first book, â€Å"The Mysterious Affair at Styles†, in America. The book introduced her most famous character, Hercule Poirot, who would later appear in more than forty more books (Winks 12). After the book was published, Agatha wrote five more mysteries ( before publishing the novel that began her huge success; â€Å"The Murder of Rodger Ackroyd† (Winks 2). Seven months after the book was published, Agatha disappeared. Suspects claimed that she was murdered, and others believed her missing case was an act for publicity while the nation searched for her (Winks 3). Her whereabouts were discovered ten days after her disappearance when some people found out that she had registered in a local hotel under the name of the women with whom she had found out her husband was cheating with (Winks 3). In 1928, Agatha and Archibald divorced, which opened up a new door for Agatha’s characters when she develo ped the now famous Miss Marple. Two years later, after a couple more successful books had been published, she met Max Mallowan in Baghdad. Agatha and the archaeologist were soon married and Christie began to approach her highest point as an author. In 1930, Agatha Christie began writing and publishing romance novels under the pen name of Mary Westmacott. Robin Winks said, â€Å"These noncrime novels are not taken seriously today†. Christie was thought to put into play her feelings toward her ex-husband throughout the Westmacott novels (Winks 18). After years of fame, Agatha was awarded a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1956. She also became President of the Detection Club in 1957 and was awarded an honorary doctorate from Exeter University in 1961. Perhaps her most elite recognition was when she was named a Dame of the British Empire by the Queen of England in 1971. Her nickname was in fact the â€Å"Queen of Crime†. On January 12th, 1976, Agatha Christ ie passed away from old age. The author was only exceeded by Shakespeare and the Bible. Her 1940’s novel â€Å"Sleeping Murder: Miss Marple’s Last Case† was published after her death.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Bell vs. May Dep's Stores Co., 6 S..W.3d 871 (MO. 1999) Essay

Bell vs. May Dep's Stores Co., 6 S..W.3d 871 (MO. 1999) - Essay Example Consequently, in his correspondence with the store, Bell informed the store about the defect in the fan and conveyed to them his intention to not to pay for the fan. The store responded to the grievance by informing to Bell their intention of replacing the defective fan, however, in actuality they never did so. Moreover, in the subsequent credit card statements Bell continued to receive past due notices, late fee and finance charges. Eventually the store intimated to Bell its intention of forwarding a negative report to the credit agencies. Yet, later on both parties agreed on a settlement agreement as per which the store promised to Bell that they will delete all the negative reports from Bell’s history. However, it was not to be so. The store relied on a computerized billing system that automatically generated dunning notices and billing statements and forwarded the negative reports to the credit agencies. In 1994, Bell submitted an application to the European American Bank (EAB), for soliciting a TWA credit card. However, Bell’s application for availing a TWA credit card was rejected because of the negative reports sent by the store to the credit agencies. ... So, later on Bell sued the store, alleging that the store intentionally meddled with Bell’s credit expectancy by extending faulty and wrongful information pertaining to Bell’s credit history to the credit rating agencies, among other claims. 3. The issue that The Supreme Court of Missouri was required to decide upon was as to whether credit expectancy of a person or an organization constitutes an element of the law pertaining to intentional interference with business expectancy. The issue before the court was to decide as to whether interference with valid credit expectancy amounted to intentional interference with business expectancy. The court was also required to envisage the test or criteria that established the charge of interference with business expectancy in this case. 4. In the case under consideration, the court held that to ascertain valid credit expectancy, only the establishment of a ‘valid’ or ‘reasonable ‘hope’ tended to be a sufficient criteria or test. The respondent in this case argued that to establish the possibility of credit expectancy on the part of the applicant, it was necessary that one had a pending credit application. However the court set aside this line of argument. The court ruled that the respondent had genuinely resorted to a tortuous interference with the applicant’s credit expectancy and the applicant was liable to claim the commensurate damages. 5. In this case The Supreme Court of Missouri reasoned that ‘expectancy’ is something that is hoped for or expected. It is not a must that to ascertain valid credit expectancy, one needs to have a contract or application in place. The mere expectation or possibility of getting credit establishes that the intended expectancy

Frame by Frame - Music and Soundscapes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Frame by Frame - Music and Soundscapes - Essay Example There are a variety of transitions implemented in this scene. The beginning of the scene implements traditional continuity editing shots that narrate Nash’s encounter with the military officials. Within this continuity editing there are juxtapositions between the military officials and Nash’s sudden face. This continuity editing gives way to dissolves of Nash’s face, as well as dissolves of the specific numbers he is examining. Rather than functioning within regular continuity, these dissolves demonstrate the passage of time as Nash examines and ponders the flashing numbers. These transitions, as well as the traditional and non-traditional editing techniques, have a variety of effects on scene and viewer. Perhaps most prominently this approach creates a dream-like atmosphere. Rather than conveying the scenes in a direct narrative way, this dream-like explication allows the viewer to viscerally experience Nash’s creative process and the way he is able to so lve these equations. It’s noted that there are three different types of sound in film. Diegetic sound is sound that both the audience and the characters can hear (Stanley, 2011). This is contrasted with non-diegetic sound that occurs outside of the character’s comprehension, but is available to the audience (Stanley, 2011). Finally there is ambient or natural sound; while this is also recognized as non-diegetic it constitutes a more specific articulation of this sound notion ("Types of," 2011). In the ‘Barrels’ scene from Jaws one recognizes the implementation of non-diegetic sound as the film’s soundtrack immediately overlays the narrative events. Additionally, natural and ambient sound occurs with the sound of the ocean and the events on the ship. Finally, there is diegetic sound implemented through discussions on the radio. In the ‘Opposites Do Not Attract’ scene from When Harry Met Sally one recognizes the implementation of natural and ambient sound in the car

Lit review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lit review - Essay Example 000 as command center for the acquisition of equipment and supplies of all the armed services – RAF, Navy and ground forces – representing a major restructuring in defense culture and processes. This major command was created precisely to improve logistics acquisition by moving from a functional to a project-based organizational structure. Under the DLO, a total of 144 Integrated Project Teams were organized, one for each type of military equipment and supplies. Each IPT has its own set of assembly staff, logisticians, engineers, contractors and financial team, operating much like a business organization. Lysons, K. and Farrington, B. (2006)note that the Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) concept was started in February 2001 to reduce costs as soon as possible and improve overall performance by addressing the following concerns: supplies concerns consumable items or those equipment components that can be easily repaired. Even in the US Air Force, the difficulty of finding cheap consumable parts is blamed for 40 per cent of aircraft downtime. To handle this specific problem, the IPTs created the positions of supply Range Managers (RMs) under its wing to exclusively attend to the problem of high procurement costs. In effect, the Range Managers were handed the decision-making task of finding the methods of procurement and selection of suppliers that would translate into cost-efficient defense spending. As decision-makers, the Range Managers are expected to formulate measures that would cut costs and make their organization more efficient and viable. But the task of making decisions for an organization is not as easy as it seems. Any organization is a technical instrument for mobilizing human energies and directing them toward set goals. Janczak, 2005. The main function of the organization is decision-making which entails planning, evaluating and implementing. These decision-making processes may be disrupted by petty politics and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management research methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management research methods - Assignment Example However, from the point of view of the consumers, it is of vital concern that the personal motivations that prompt them to make better use of the internet as shopping venue be ascertained. While many, if not all, the products sold online are also available from brick and mortar stores and other conventional venues such as through the televised home shopping network, the motivations for customers to purchase online appears to be influenced by a special set of factors which pertains exclusively to the online technology. The individual must have a strong sense of confidence in trusting the system, because (1) he/she has not physically examined the product he/she is actually buying, only being able to view a product replica on his/her monitor or screen; (2) he/she is transacting with a business entity he/she only sees onscreen, and which may be located elsewhere on the globe. Without a physical store to go to, he or she may not know how to reach the vendor if his/her claim is unsatisfied ; (3) the customer has to have his/her payment transmitted before delivery of the purchased item, thus sending the cash through electronic means is a leap of faith; and (4) release of the customer’s bank account or credit card number is a risky act which may be the source of identity fraud and electronic theft. These are significant issues to which high risks are attached, and savvy consumers will be usually cautious about engaging in these acts. It is therefore the result of strong motivational forces that consumers would agree to undertaking these risks in order to shop online. The survey conducted here therefore has the specific purpose of determining what the important factors are that influence an individual’s desire to purchase items online, despite the attendant risks. Design of the survey The survey is designed to be answered by respondents who have personally transacted a purchase over the internet. The respondents may be of any age, of either gender, and of a ny walk of life. The only disqualifying attribute is if the individual has not experienced purchasing something over the internet. In this sense, internet or online shopping includes all e-commerce facilities for retail customers online, from ordering merchandise from particular retailers, to buying something from other customers in online auctions such as the e-Bay site. The population thus includes everybody who has shopped online at least once. The size of the sample is ideally one that is representative; however, since internet shopping involves an indeterminate number of people, most likely running into the hundreds of thousands or millions with multiple transactions, then it is difficult to ascertain a representative number. The survey should therefore aim for a large number, and from observing the sample sizes shown in the different academic studies, a good number would be 250 to 350 respondents. It is also important to make sure that the locations surveyed represent as equal ly as possible all the area intended to be covered by the study. The sample selection method must ensure the highest chances of getting a representative sample, while ensuring that the intended respondents are reached and their existence and qualifications verified. Inasmuch as those who are qualified to respond to this survey are those who are exposed to and confident

Ports of Auckland industrial dispute and Part B as well Assignment

Ports of Auckland industrial dispute and Part B as well - Assignment Example e Port of Auckland wanted to compete with its closest rival, which is the Port of Tauranga by increasing its operational efficiency and increasing its production levels (Ports of Auckland, 2012). Ideally, any worker belonging to a union has the right to negotiate for an employment contract as provided in the collective employment agreement on meaning that the Port of Auckland employees were within their rights to seek a renewal of their contracts through their union (Blackstock, 2012). During the course of the strike action by the Port of Auckland employees, several parties developed an interest in the case, each citing various reasons for their involvement in the matter. In this part of the research, this essay will identify the various parties involved in the dispute and outline the key issues that propelled this action. Further, the focus will be on collective bargaining strategies and tactics used by the interested parties to the industrial action and the four conflict theories that are relevant in explaining the dialogue process and are able to influence the outcomes of industrial disputes. The principleparty involved in the dispute were the workers whose employment contracts had ended and their families as this action affected directly as compared to any other party. The second party whose involvement could not be avoided was the port itself, meaning that the Ports of Auckland had to be a party to the dispute. Ideally, the port began operations in 1988, and has grown to be one of the largest ports in New Zealand, as its location is in one of the principle cities in the country (Ports of Auckland, 2012). Ownership and control of the port is by the Auckland Council Investments Ltd, which holds significant shares in the port. The third party to the dispute was the Maritime Union of New Zealand in which its chief mandate was to spearhead the negotiations for their members to their employer (MUNZ, 2013). The union is a result of a merger in 2002 between

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lit review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lit review - Essay Example 000 as command center for the acquisition of equipment and supplies of all the armed services – RAF, Navy and ground forces – representing a major restructuring in defense culture and processes. This major command was created precisely to improve logistics acquisition by moving from a functional to a project-based organizational structure. Under the DLO, a total of 144 Integrated Project Teams were organized, one for each type of military equipment and supplies. Each IPT has its own set of assembly staff, logisticians, engineers, contractors and financial team, operating much like a business organization. Lysons, K. and Farrington, B. (2006)note that the Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) concept was started in February 2001 to reduce costs as soon as possible and improve overall performance by addressing the following concerns: supplies concerns consumable items or those equipment components that can be easily repaired. Even in the US Air Force, the difficulty of finding cheap consumable parts is blamed for 40 per cent of aircraft downtime. To handle this specific problem, the IPTs created the positions of supply Range Managers (RMs) under its wing to exclusively attend to the problem of high procurement costs. In effect, the Range Managers were handed the decision-making task of finding the methods of procurement and selection of suppliers that would translate into cost-efficient defense spending. As decision-makers, the Range Managers are expected to formulate measures that would cut costs and make their organization more efficient and viable. But the task of making decisions for an organization is not as easy as it seems. Any organization is a technical instrument for mobilizing human energies and directing them toward set goals. Janczak, 2005. The main function of the organization is decision-making which entails planning, evaluating and implementing. These decision-making processes may be disrupted by petty politics and

Ports of Auckland industrial dispute and Part B as well Assignment

Ports of Auckland industrial dispute and Part B as well - Assignment Example e Port of Auckland wanted to compete with its closest rival, which is the Port of Tauranga by increasing its operational efficiency and increasing its production levels (Ports of Auckland, 2012). Ideally, any worker belonging to a union has the right to negotiate for an employment contract as provided in the collective employment agreement on meaning that the Port of Auckland employees were within their rights to seek a renewal of their contracts through their union (Blackstock, 2012). During the course of the strike action by the Port of Auckland employees, several parties developed an interest in the case, each citing various reasons for their involvement in the matter. In this part of the research, this essay will identify the various parties involved in the dispute and outline the key issues that propelled this action. Further, the focus will be on collective bargaining strategies and tactics used by the interested parties to the industrial action and the four conflict theories that are relevant in explaining the dialogue process and are able to influence the outcomes of industrial disputes. The principleparty involved in the dispute were the workers whose employment contracts had ended and their families as this action affected directly as compared to any other party. The second party whose involvement could not be avoided was the port itself, meaning that the Ports of Auckland had to be a party to the dispute. Ideally, the port began operations in 1988, and has grown to be one of the largest ports in New Zealand, as its location is in one of the principle cities in the country (Ports of Auckland, 2012). Ownership and control of the port is by the Auckland Council Investments Ltd, which holds significant shares in the port. The third party to the dispute was the Maritime Union of New Zealand in which its chief mandate was to spearhead the negotiations for their members to their employer (MUNZ, 2013). The union is a result of a merger in 2002 between

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Essay Example for Free

Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Essay Financial management is very crucial in today’s health care financial procedures. It is one the most important aspects of the financial health care. There are many assessments made- based the financial records and the business transactions that occur within the health care organization. It is crucial the financial records are kept up- to -date and they follow specific guidelines. The books kept up- to- date and in order, this will show the amount of money being brought into the organization for profit and the amount of money the organization has lost in profit. One thing that may cause the honesty of the organization to be on the brinks is the organization financial management and the correctness of the financial books. This paper is about information that will address financial reporting practices and ethics. It will address four financial management functions, summaries that accept accounting principles by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It will also give an example from an article that has reflected ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting. The basic four components of financial management are planning, controlling, organizing and directing and decision making. The preparation is responsibility for financial management to recognize the purposes of the health care organization. The planning step is to â€Å"set directions and allocates resources, the organizing step brings people and material resources together in working condition, the leading step inspires people to best utilize these resources, and the controlling step checks that the right things happen, in the right way, and at the right time† (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, amp; Kramer, 2007,). Controlling is the process of the financial management to ensure that each department of the organization are going by the procedures that was decided. The financial manager should have the reports available to study the most recent financial reports. The reports will help to select what department needs the most consideration to keep the organization going. Organizing and directing is the responsibility of the financial manager to decide in what way to make use of the funds of the organizations most efficiently. Resources such as assets will help the manager to ensure the goals of the healthcare organizations are accomplished. Directing is an everyday job provided that control and support. The final step in the element in financial management is decision making. Planning, organizing, and controlling is a correspondence with the decision making process. The choices will be by the financial manager based on evaluation, analysis and information. Generally accepted accounting principles is a set of financial recommendations used for financial accounting. The recommendations are for preparing financial statements and for setting standards for organizations accountants. According to Baker (2011), â€Å" One of the requirements of GAAP is that unrestricted fund balances be separated from restricted fund balances on the statements, so you see two appropriate line items (restricted and unrestricted) in the fund balance section† (p. 108). GAAP are the rules of accounting. Those guidelines are to arrange the reporting of financial statements that will include the cash flow statements, income statements, and the balance sheet. With the reply of these responsibilities, the Organization of Managing Bookkeepers declared principles of moral conduct for employees of managing bookkeeping and financial management. The principles take account for confidentiality, integrity, and competence. A person must maintain knowledge and the necessary skills is what includes competence. They must always maintain their professional responsibilities and duties in accordance with related rules, technical standards, and regulations. Confidentiality when one should not disclose confidential information, such as health records except when given the right authority to do so. Integrity has the responsibility not to engage in activities that would affect prejudgment, favors that will influence their actions and decision making. According to† Ethical Standards† (n. d),â€Å"Specialists of managing bookkeeping and monetarist managing partake an commitment to the community, their line of work, the institute they work for and themselves, to uphold the utmost principles of decent manner. Hewlett-Packard Company CEO, Mark Hurd turn out to be mixed up in the workplace. According to (Healthfield, 2012), â€Å"Mr. Hurd had failed to disclose a close personal relationship he had with a contractor that constituted a conflict of interest† . †Mr. Hurd also â€Å"failed to maintain accurate expense reports, and misused company assets. † This is an example that reflect ethical standards of conduct a nd financial reporting practices. Practicing accuracy end honesty will help continue the capacity to never misuse the financial systems, and abide by the laws laid out by GAAP. Organizations are providing their employees with the necessary training that will equip them as well as sustain the reporting practices operational but at the time use the similar procedures and show them new procedures. Fraud and abuse is something everyone know when being ethical. By using the GAAP guidelines, keeping the organizational ethics and policies would be free from abuse and fraud. By following the guidelines that comes from the GAAP, they can help prevent fraud and abuse from happening in the health care organization itself. These guidelines are there to help the organization benefit so they will always be ready in case there may come a time when they have to show their financial documents to a third party. Therefore in conclusion, it a major responsibility in financial reporting practices and ethics. Financial managers should implement the four elements of financial management in their reports to avoid fraud, abuse and the risk of breaking ethics. Managers should know how to plan, control, organize and directing and decision making. They should always incorporate the GAAP rules and regulations in order to avoid unethical rulings.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia

Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia Pengenalan Agama Buddha ialah agama dan falsafah yang berasaskan ajaran Buddha ÅšÄ kyamuni (SiddhÄ rtha Gautama) yang mungkin lahir pada kurun ke-5 sebelum masihi. Agama Buddha menyebar ke benua India dalam 5 kurun selepas Baginda meninggal dunia. Dalam proses perkembangan agama Buddha, agama ini praktis telah menyentuh hampir seluruh benua Asia. Agama Buddha terus menarik orang ramai menganutnya di seluruh dunia dan mempunyai lebih kurang 350 juta penganut. Agama Buddha dikenali sebagai salah satu agama yang paling besar di dunia. Dalam dua ribu tahun yang seterusnya, agama Buddha telah menyebar ke tengah, tenggara dan timur Asia. Kini, agama Buddha telah dipaparkan sebagai tiga aliran utama, iaitu Theravada, Mahayana, dan Vajrayana (Bajrayana). Latar Belakang dan Kehidupan Buddha Menurut tradisi Buddha, tokoh historis Buddha Siddharta Gautama dilahirkan dari suku Sakya pada awal masa Magadha (546-324 SM), di sebuah kota, selatan pergunungan Himalaya yang bernama Lumbini. Sekarang kota ini terletak di Nepal sebelah selatan. Ia juga dikenal dengan nama Sakyamuni. Setelah kehidupan awalnya yang penuh kemewahan di bawah perlindungan ayahnya, raja Kapilavastu (kemudian hari digabungkan pada kerajaan Magadha), Siddharta melihat kenyataan kehidupan sehari-hari dan membuat kesimpulan bahawa kehidupan nyata, pada hakikatnya adalah kesengsaraan yang tak dapat dihindari. Siddharta kemudian meninggalkan kehidupan mewahnya yang tak ada ertinya lalu menjadi seorang pertapa. Kemudian Baginda berpendapat bahawa bertapa juga tak ada ertinya, dan lalu mencari jalan tengah (majhima patipada ). Jalan tengah ini merupakan sebuah kompromis antara kehidupan berfoya-foya yang terlalu memuaskan hawa nafsu dan kehidupan bertapa yang terlalu menyeksa diri. Di bawah sebuah pohon bodhi, Baginda berkaul tidak akan pernah meninggalkan posisinya sehingga menemui Kebenaran. Pada usia 35 tahun, Baginda mencapai Pencerahan. Pada saat itu Baginda dikenal sebagai Gautama Buddha, atau Buddha(secara harafiah: orang yang telah mencapai Penerangan Sempurna). Untuk 45 tahun selanjutnya, Gautama Buddha telah menyebarkan ajarannya tanpa berhenti di merata-rata tempat. Sejarah Buddhisme di Malaysia Sejarah Buddhisme di Malaysia boleh dibahagikan kepada 2 peringkat: 1. PERINGKAT AWAL: Pada awal kurun Masihi, seperti yang disebutkan oleh Dr. Coedes dalam bukunya, Indianized States of South East Asia, Warisan kebudayaan Orang India di Asia Tenggara dapat dibuktikan daripada corak kebudayaan yang terdapat di Semenanjung dan Tanah Besar Asia Tenggara; Bahasa Sanskrit telah menjadi ansur bahasa tempatan; dan unsur-unsur tradisi orang India masih terdapat di negara-negara yang bertukar kepada Islam. Tetapi Prof. D.G.E. Hall, dalam bukunya A History of South East Asia, percaya bahawa kebanyakan tradisi India telah mengubahsuai apabila bertentangan dengan tradisi tempatan, misalnya sistem kasta tidak pernah dipraktikkan di sini. Akan tetapi fakta ini tidak boleh dihapuskan iaitu aktiviti perdagangan dan perniagaan telah menarik ramai pedagang India datang berdagang di Asia Tenggara. Pedagang-pedagang ini membawa bersama kebudayaan, ugama serta kesenian mereka ke rantau ini. Banyak barangan yang digali dari tanah oleh ahli arkeologi membuktikan bahawa bahagian utara Tanah Melayu, iaitu Negeri Kedah, pernah dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan awal Buddhisme. Pada pertengahan kurun ke 3 sebelum masihi, selepas Kausil Buddhis Ketiga, Maharaja Asoka telah menghantar dua orang Bhiksu, iaitu Ven. Sona dan Ven. Uttara datang ke rantau ini untuk menyebarkan agama Buddha. Pada kurun yang ke 5, Buddhisme telah berkembang dengan baik di Semenanjung Melayu. Exkavasi arkeologi bukan hanya terhad di Kedah sahaja, tetapi didapati di Kuala Selinsing, Tanjung Rambutan, Lembah Kinta, Bidor dan Sungai Siput di Perak, di Perlis dan juga di Pahang. Langkasuka merupakan sebuah negara Buddhis yang pertama, ia ditubuhkan pada kurun masihi ke 2 dan berpusat di Banjaran Gunung Jelai, kemudian ia mengembangkan kuasanya ke bahagian Selatan Negeri Thai. Pada kurun ke 7, Buddhisme Mahayana telah menjadi sistem Buddhisme yang lebih diterima oleh rakyat Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Pada masa itu, Tanah Melayu berada di bawah kuasa Srivijaya, sebuah empayar Buddhis yang berpusat di Pulau Jawa. Agama Hindu telah mengalami kebangkitan semula di India pada kurun ke 10, maka Agama Buddha kehilangan sokongan yang diberi oleh istana serta golongan bangsawan. Kejatuhan pengaruhnya di India telah mempengaruhi kekuasaannya di Asia Tenggara. Pada akhir abad ke 12, empayar Srivijaya mengalami kejatuhan, begitu juga halnya dengan pengaruh Buddhisme. Pada awal kurun ke 10, Parameswara mendirikan Empayar Melaka. Apabila Parameswara dan Raja-Raja lain menganuti Agama Islam, agama tersebut telah menjadi agama utama di rantau ini. Sehingga abad ke 15, Islam telah berjaya mengambil alih kedudukan Buddhisme sebagai agama yang utama diterima oleh istana dan rakyat biasa, lantas Buddhisme di Tanah Melayu pada masa itu mengalami kemerosotan. Walaupun begitu, masih terdapat banyak peninggalan kebudayaan Buddhisme di Kedah, Perlis dan Kelantan akibat pengaruh Negeri Thai. Unsur-unsur Buddhisme masih terbukti dalam drama Menora dan wayang kulit. 2. PERINGKAT KOMTEMPORARI: Penghijrahan beramai-ramai orang China ke Tanah Melayu pada abad ke 17 merupakan arus ombak yang kedua. Pada masa itu, Buddhisme hanya merupakah upacara amalan yang penuh dengan kepercayaan dan kebudayaan Cina. Hanya pada tahun 1950, barulah terdapat penganut Buddha yang cuba meningkatkan status dan kedudukan Buddhisme. Dengan tertubuhnya banyak organisasi buddhis, termasuk YBAM (Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia) dan MBA (Malaysian Buddhist Association), maka wujudlah satu suasana yang baru yang menyatupadukan para Buddhis. Satu perkembangan lain yang penting ialah terdapatnya pengaliran masuk bentuk-bentuk Buddhisme yang dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan-kebudayaan Thai, Sri Langka, Burma, Jepun dan Tibet. Ini telah membentuk Buddhisme di Malaysia yang pelbagai rupa bentuk. Cara-cara Perkembangan Buddhisme Di Malaysia 1. Membentuk Buddhisme Malaysia Buddhisme ialah agama yang tiada batasan negara dan kaum. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk menghadapi masalah taraf pemikiran dan budaya manusia setempat, Buddhisme muncul dalam rupa bentuk yang telah diubahsuaikan tetapi dasar Ajaran Buddha yang sama . Sifat fleksibilitinya telah menyebabkan Buddhisme yang disebarkan di pelbagai tempat muncul dengan rupa bentuk yang berlainan akibat persekitaran, kaum serta latar belakang kebudayaannya yang berlainan, di samping itu pula mereka dapat mengekalkan ajaran Buddha. Buddhisme yang mempunyai banyak ciri tempatan merupakan sifat Buddhisme yang unik dalam sejarah penyebarannya. Malaysia ialah negara yang merdeka, maka Buddhisme yang disebarkan di tempat ini mestilah mempunyai identiti yang bercorak Malaysia. Malaysia ialah negara bersifat majmuk, begitu juga halnya dengan Buddhisme yang disebarkan di negara ini. Sebahagian besar penganut Buddha di negara ini berketurunan Cina, maka aliran utama Buddhisme banyak dopengaruhi oleh Buddhisme dari sistem Bahasa Cina. Sementara itu Negeri Thai dan Sri Lanka, akibat kedudukan geografinya yang dekat dengan Malaysia, telah mempengaruhi Buddhisme Malaysia dengan Buddhisme sistem Bahasa Pali. Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, terdapat pula pengaliran masuk Buddhisme sistem Bahasa Tibet dan hasil-hasil kajian akademik Buddhisme yang dilakukan oleh Jepun. Penyerapan bahagian-bahagian penting dari Buddhisme berbagai sistem bahasa dan membuangkan mana-mana ciri yang tidak sesuai dengan suasana di Malaysia, akan menjadikan Buddhisme Malaysia berbentuk majmuk. 2. Melatih pendakwah Buddhis tempatan Perkataan tempatan bermaksud negara kita, negeri ini atau persatuan Buddhis masing-masing. Kita amat memerlukan pendakwah Buddhis tempatan untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab penyebaran agama Buddha. Pada masa ini, Buddhisme di Malaysia berada di peringkat perkembaangan yang awal, kadar pertumbuhan dalam pengeluaran pendakwah terlatih adalah rendah jika dibanding dengan perkembangan luaran Buddhisme, ini akan menimbulkan banyak masalah kepada Buddhisme. Pengundangan pensyarah luar negeri ke Malaysia adalah perlu untuk meninggikan taraf kajian akademik dan pengaliran kebudayaan duahala, walau bagaimanapun, usaha melatih pensyarah tempatan adalah lebih diperlukan. Selain daripada itu, kita harus memikirkan keupayaan kita dari segi kewangan. Hanya kita yang paling memahami keadaan majmuk negara ini, dan Buddhisme yang kita perlukan ialah Buddhisme yang paling difahami oleh kita sendiri, lagipun kita harus berdikari dalam mengembangkan Buddhisme.Pada ketika ini, pandangan negatif bahawa segala- galanya yang berasal dari luar negeri adalah lebih baik berbanding dengan yang di sini. Pandangan ini mesti dikikis. Kita mesti memberi lebih banyak peluang dan galakan kepada para pensyarah tempatan. 3. Meningkatkan taraf kajian akademik Kita tidak boleh berhenti lama di suatu taraf kajian akademik. Jika ditinjau dari pelbagai sudut, kita harus mengakui bahawa taraf kajian akademik Buddhisme kita adalah rendah, dan kita bertanggungjawab untuk meninggikannya. Peningkatan taraf kajian akademik merupakan cara penting untuk meninggikan kedudukan Buddhisme, ia juga cara asas untuk menegak dan menguatkan kedudukan Buddhisme di sesuatu rantau da dunia ini. Kita harus menubuhkan pusat penyelidikan dan kajian Buddhisme serta melatih penyelidik- penyelidik sepenuh masa. Pada masa yang sama, individu- individu yang mempunyai keinginan untuk membuat penyelidikan dan kajian Buddhisme, haruslah sentiasa menjalani pendidikan kendiri untuk meningkatkan tarafnya sendiri. 4. Meninggikan kualiti kultivasi (cultivation) Sifat keseluruhan Buddhisme dapat ditunjukkan dalam konsep penyatuan teori dan amali. Teori dan amali adalah saling bergantungan dan saling menggenap antara satu sama lain. Hasil daripada penyelidikan, kita memperolehi pengetahuan secara teori, ia dapat memandu kultivasi. Dari segi amali pula, kita dapat mengetahui kebenaran sesuatu teori. Maka, teori dan amali mestilah digabungjalinkan. Peningkatan dalam kualiti kultivasi sudah semestinya penting. Kita harus menganjurkan lebih banyak kursus kultivasi umpamanya kem yang melakukan meditasi dan sebagainya. Persatuan-persatuan Buddhis di pelbagai tempat juga harus mementingkan amalan memberi penghormatan kepada Buddha sebagai satu cara kultivasi umpamanya perbuatan menyujud imej Buddha. Puja dan amalan mengaku kesilapan serta keinginan untuk memperbaiki kesilapan berkenaan harus selalu diadakan. Pusat Kultivasi harus ditubuhkan dengan mengundang seorang guru yang berpengalaman untuk menjalankan kursus-kursus kultivasi bagi jangka masa panjang dan pendek. 5. Mengadakan aktiviti terancang Pada masa sekarang, banyak aktiviti telah dijalankan oleh persatuan-persatuan Buddhis, tetapi, kita harap agar aktiviti-aktiviti yang hendak dijalankan itu, sama ada di peringkat kebangsaan, daerah, ataupun persatuan-persatuan masing-masing, akan mempunyai perancangan yang rapi. Hanya aktiviti-aktiviti yang terancang dengan rapi akan mencapai matlamat atau hasil yang dikehendaki. Pihak penganjur harus menyerap pengalaman orang lain serta menimbang keupayaan dan kehendak sendiri, seterusnya membuat perancangan rapi. Jika perlu, kita boleh mengadakan khemah kerja sebelum sesuatu aktiviti atau projek diadakan bagi melatih ahli-ahli jawatankuasa kerja, ini dapat membantu sesuatu aktiviti itu dijalankan secara terancang dan berjaya. 6. Kursus Latihan Yang Sistematik Kursus latihan Buddhisme di Malaysia telah mengalami kepelbagaian seperti pelajar-pelajar pusat pengajian tinggi ke guru, pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah, dari penganut biasa ke pendakwah Buddhis, dari tahap rendah ke tahap tinggi, dari penyelidikan ke kultivasi, dari peringkat awal ke peringkat yang lebih mentap, semuanya kita perlu menyediakan kursus latihan tertentu untuk tujuan tersebut. Walaupun kita mempunyai pengalaman dan kepelbagaian aktiviti, tetapi dapat diperhatikan bahawa kursus-kursus yang kita adakan tidak diselaraskan secara sistematik. Ini perlu diperbaiki;terutamanya untuk meningkatkan taraf kajian akademik dan kualiti kultivasi. Kita perlu menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa khas untuk menyelaraskan kursus-kursus secara sistematik supaya ia dapat menunjukkkan ciri-ciri kesinambungan. Kursus-kursus itu juga perlu diubahsuai mengikut keperluan dan perubahan masyarakat. Untuk membentuk suatu era Buddhisme Malaysia yang baru, masa yang diperlukan agak panjang tetapi arah perkembangan mestilah jelas. Walaupun usaha kita belum menampakkan kejayaan yang jelas, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kita telah mula melakukan sesuatu, sebagai usaha membuka jalan untuk generasi-generasi akan datang, supaya mereka dapat terus menyalakan cahaya kebenaran. Ciri-ciri universal buddha Alam semesta ini mempunyai ciri-ciri yang tersendiri . Ciri-ciri itu tetap wujud sama ada sedar atau tidak dan percaya atau tidak . Sebagai contoh , haba sentiasa dikaitkan dengan api . Ia merupakan satu ciri api . Sama ada percaya kenyataan di atas benar atau tidak , ciri itu tetap ada pada api . Kebenaran ini tidak dapat dinafikan . Manusia ialah salah satu daripada makhluk yang hidup dalam alam semesta ini . Kewujudan manusia juga tertakluk kepada ciri-ciri tertentu . Kehidupan manusia berkait rapat dengan ciri-ciri itu . Ciri-ciri itu ialah Anicca, Dukkha dan Anatta. Ini adalah tiga ciri universal mengenai kewujudan. Sungguhpun Buddha mengemukakan fakta ini, ia tidak bermakna Buddha yang menciptanya. Dengan PencerahanNya, Buddha telah dapat melihat dan menyedari hakikat ini. ANICCA Setiap benda tidak berkekalan — ia sentiasa tertakluk kepada pereputan dan perubahan . Begitu juga badan fizikal kita yang sentiasa berubah-ubah . Sekiranya kita mempunyai gambar foto yang diambil pada masa yang berlainan , maka dengan jelasnya ia menunjukkan bahawa kita sentiasa mengalami perubahan. Selain daripada itu , fikiran kita juga sentiasa berubah . Kalau tidak percaya , cuba kita duduk, tenangkan fikiran tanpa berfikir. Seribu satu macam fikiran akan timbul. Dalam sains , kita telah mempelajari bahawa benda-benda yang nampaknya tidak berubah seperti lautan, benua, matahari atau cakerawala, kesemuanya sentiasa berubah . Keadaan tidak kekal ini ialah ciri universal yang disebut Anicca dalam Pali. Bolehkah kita menyangsikan kebenaran ini dalam hidup ? Pemahaman ciri ketidakkekalan ini adalah amat penting. la menjalin perhubungan baik kita dengan orang lain. Umpamaannya apabila seseorang itu memarahi kita, kita harus sedar pada saat itu bahawa dia tidak senang hati. Tetapi keadaan ini tidak kekal. Jadi kita patut bertoleransi dengannya. Dengan pemahaman ciri ini juga, ia menunjukkan bahawa zaman muda-mudi, kesihatan badan, kemewahan kebendaan bahkan hidup itu adalah tidak kekal. Oleh itu, selagi kita masih muda dan cergas, kita patut menggunakan keadaan yang baik itu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kita harus berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dan seterusnya Pencerahan. DUKKHA Dalam erti kata biasa, Dukkha diertikan sebagai kesengsaraan. Ia berlawanan dengan Sukkha yang bermaksud kebahagiaan. Walau bagaimanapun, perkataan ini membawa makna yang lebih dalam. la meliputi segala perasaan tidak puas. Sebenarnya, tidak susah untuk melihat kewujudan Dukkha di dunia ini. Apabila berjalan di dalam bandar, kita dapat melihat pengemis, yang tua atau muda, ada yang cacat anggota. Bukankah ini Dukkha? Yang paling jelas ialah keadaan di hospital. Di situ kita dapat membuktikan pada diri kita bahawa kesengsaraan merupakan satu perkara yang umum. Kita telah melihat bahawa segala yang terdapat di dunia ini tidak kekal. Ketidakkekalan juga merupakan satu punca Dukkha. Mengapa begitu? Biarlah kita menunjukkannya dengan satu contoh. Kekayaan, misalannya, merupakan satu perkara yang baik, begitu juga dengan pencapaian kebendaan, zaman muda-mudi, kesihatan badan, perhubungan baik dengan orang lain dan sebagainya, tetapi janganlah kita berpaut kepada kesemuanya itu. Sekiranya kita terlalu berpaut kepada apa yang kita anggap sebagai baik, menyeronokkan dan cantik, kita akan sengsara sebab kesemuanya tertakluk kepada perubahan. la tidak akan kekal selama-lamanya. Dukkha adalah satu ciri universal. Dengan memahaminya, seseorang dapat menghadapi kesengsaraan sebagai satu hakikat dalam hidup dan seterusnya berusaha untuk mengatasi kesengsaraan dengan mengikuti ajaran Buddha. ANATTA Selalunya orang beranggap bahawa terdapat satu aku di dalam kita. Aku itu adalah seperti satu roh yang kekal, benar dan unggul. Cuba fikirlah, sekiranya terdapat satu benda yang dipanggil aku yang kekal dan dapat kita kekalkan, maka kita seharusnya dapat kenal pastikannya. Tetapi adakah ini benar? Buddha telah mengatakan bahawa tiada satu benda yang kekal. Semua benda tertakluk kepada perubahan. Ini termasuklah kita sendiri. Jadi tidak ada satu roh yang kekal yang kita boleh anggapkan sebagai aku. Ini adalah ertinya Anatta. Sebenarnya apa yang dikatakan sebagai entiti aku dalam ayat Aku pergisekolah. ialah satu nama atau panggilan untuk satu kumpulan benda fizikal dan mental yang wujud dalam satu tubuh badan. Mungkin kita boleh menggunakan Proton Saga sebagai contoh. Sebenarnya apa yang dikatakan sebagai Proton Saga ialah satu himpunan benda seperti skru, tayar, enjin, kusyen, kaca dan sebagainya. Sekiranya dipisah-pisahkan, kita tidak dapat mencari suatu benda yang terpisah itu yang boleh dianggap sebagai Proton Saga. Hal yang sama adalah terjadi pada kita sebagai manusia. Anggapan bahawa terdapatnya satu aku dalam diri kita sebenarnya merupakan satu tanggapan yang palsu. Ini akan menyebabkan seseorang cuba untuk mempertahankan dengan habis-habisan sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai kepunyaannya seperti pendapatnya, hak miliknya dan lain-lain. Sebaliknya, kalau seseorang itu memahami dan sedar bahawa aku sebenarnya hanya merupakan satu nama panggilan untuk himpunan unsur-unsur fizikal dan mental yang sentiasa berubah, maka ia tidak akan berpaut kepada kesemuanya. Apa yang patut kita lakukan ialah berusaha supaya berkembang untuk menyempurnakan diri. Jadi, kita harus cuba bermurah hati dan berbelas kasihan terhadap semua makhluk dan tidak bersifat sombong. Ciri-ciri yang lain Kebebasan menyiasat Kebebasan menyoal dan menyelidik merupakan hak asasi setiap orang. Seseorang itu dibenarkan menyoal, menyelidik dan seterusnya membuat pilihan sendiri. Inilah ciri yang seharusnya ada dalam mempelajari agama Buddha. Jadi kita dapati Buddhisme tidak menyekat hak-hak kebebasan kita, umpamaannya kebebasan berfikir dan memilih. Malahan pula ia menggalakkan kita bertindak secara waras dan rasional, tidak dikongkong oleh tradisi serta kepercayaan karut atau wahyu. Akan tetapi kita mesti bertanggungjawab ke atas segala keputusan yang dibuat. Berdikari Sekiranya kita berasa lapar, kita mesti berusaha sendiri untuk mencari makanan dan memakannya. Orang lain tidak dapat makan untuk kita. Mereka hanya dapat menunjukkan di mana makanan itu dan bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya. Mungkin anda akan bertanya: Bagaimana jika saya duduk di atas kerusi sahaja dan menyuruh orang lain membawakan makanan kepada saya dan menyuapkannya ke dalam mulut saya. Bukankah saya tidak perlu berusaha? Ya, nampaknya apa yang anda katakan itu betul. Tetapi, cuba fikir dengan mendalam lagi. Adakah nasib anda begitu baik dan terdapat orang yang sentiasa bersedia untuk melayani anda seumur hidup? Biarpun terdapatnya orang yang sudi melayani anda tetapi kalau anda tidak berikhtiar untuk membuka mulut anda, mengunyah lalu menelan makanan yang disuapkan itu, anda tidak dapat menghilangkan kelaparan itu. Begitu juga jika kita hendak memperbaiki atau memajukan keadaan diri, kita mesti berusaha sendiri. Buddha memberitahu bahawa kitalah yang bertanggungjawab ke atas diri kita. Jadi kita patut berusaha dan berdikari. Berdikari Perbuatan dosa sendiri sengsara dirasai cegah dosa usaha diri Nibbana jelma suci Tiada pelindung luaran Tiada siapa yang mungkin Hayati ajaran kami Buddha penunjuk murni. Toleransi Selain daripada menghormati hak manusia untuk menyiasat dan memilih, Buddhisme juga menggalakkan sikap toleransi terhadap orang lain tanpa mengira warna kulit, agama atau kepercayaan. Manusia harus mengasihi antara satu sama lain. Kita mesti mempunyai sifat belas kasihan terhadap makhluk yang lain. Buddhisme mengajar kita supaya hidup dengan harmoni dalam masyarakat. Sekiranya manusia ingin hidup dengan bahagia dalam dunia ini maka ia harus menghormati orang lain serta mengambil berat tentang kebajikan orang lain. Ajaran-ajaran seperti ini amatlah penting dan sesuai untuk masyarakat yang berbilang kaum, berlainan agama dan bahasa. ‘Ehi-Passiko Ertinya Datang dan melihat, janganlah datang dan mempercayai. Ini merupakan salah satu ciri istimewa dalam ajaran Buddha. Mungkin kita boleh menggunakan satu contoh untuk menunjukkan hal ini. Katakan memberitahu bahawa terdapat sebiji permata di dalam genggaman. Soalan yang akan anda tanya ialah:sama ada anda boleh mempercayai saya atau tidak. Oleh sebab anda belum melihat permata itu dengan mata anda sendiri, kepercayaan anda akan bergantung kepada sejauh mana saya dapat meyakinkan anda. Tetapi sekiranya saya melepaskan tangan saya, soal percaya atau tidak tidak timbul lagi, sebab anda telah dapat melihat permata itu wujud atau tidak. Begitu juga dalam Buddhisme, anda dijemput datang untuk mencari kebenaran Buddhisme dan bukanlah datang dan mempercayainya. Buddhisme dengan hidup Ajaran Buddha berhubung rapat dengan kehidupan kita. Dalam dunia yang serba moden ini pun, ia tetap praktikal. Pada peringkat yang paling asas, Buddhisme mengajar kita cara untuk menghadapi keadaan yang baik ataupun sebaliknya. Dengan mengamalkan ajaran-ajaran Buddha, kita dapat menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain. Pada peringkat yang tinggi, Buddhisme mengajar kita bagaimana melatih pemikiran kita untuk menghadapi cabaran hidup serta memahami makna hidup yang benar. Buddhisme menunjukkan cara untuk menamatkan kesengsaraan. Sekiranya kita mengikuti jalan yang telah ditunjukkan maka kita akan memperoleh kesejahteraan ini. Sungguhpun Buddhisme merupakan satu agama yang wujud sejak lebih daripada 2,500 tahun yang lalu, tetapi dalam zaman moden ia tetap sesuai dan diperlukan dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan mengamalkan ajaran Buddha, kita dapat memperbaiki hubungan kita dengan keluarga serta masyarakat. Dengan ini kebahagiaan dan keharmonian akan muncul. Selain daripada itu, ia memberi peluang untuk kebahagiaan kerana ia menunjukkan cara untuk menghapuskan kesengsaraan. Riwayat hidup Buddha merupakan satu pendorong untuk seseorang membentuk sikap berdikari, menegakkan tanggungjawab moral, toleransi, belas kasihan dan kebijaksanaan. Pendek kata, Buddhisme dapat memperkayakan hidup seseorang serta menjadikannya lebih bermakna dalam dunia nyata ini. Perbezaan antara agama Hindu dan Buddha Agama Hindu dan agama Buddha adalah dua agama yang berbeza. Perbezaan utama adalah bahawa Buddhisme merupakan agama atheistic, bererti mereka tidak percaya pada Tuhan, manakala Hindu mempunyai tuhan yang berbeza. Oleh sebab itu, mereka memiliki sedikit berbeza upacara yang mereka lakukan. Hindu biasanya menyediakan makanan kepada Tuhan pada setiap pagi. Selain itu, agama Hindu tidak memiliki pendiri, sesuai dengan isi agama diwahyukan kepada ulama, tetapi dalam waktu kuno, mereka juga mengatakan bahawa agama selalu ada dan akan mengamalkan. Buddhisme memiliki pendiri agama, iaitu Siddharta Gautama. Hinduisme datang ke sekitar 4000 tahun yang lalu. Manakala Buddhisme datang semasa sekitar 2500 tahun yang lalu. Perilaku mereka ketika mereka datang ke kuil Hindu dan untuk jatuh atau dagoba Buddha juga menpunyai berbeza. Bagi agama Hindu, yang ada di setiap candi dewa mereka untuk dikorbankan. Agama Buddha memiliki atau abu jenazah dari rahib terkenal, atau Buddha sendiri. Mereka berjalan mengelilingi bangunan hanya untuk mendapatkan kuasa penyembuhan. Penganut Buddha mementingkan perayaan tiga upacara Buddha yang utama, iaitu kelahiran, pendidikan, dan kematiannya. Manakala penganut agama Hindu merayakan pesta yang lebih banyak dan tidak mementingkan sesetengah upacara sahaja. Kedua-dua agama Hindu dan Buddha mengadakan upacara ketika seorang anak dilahirkan, tetapi mereka sedikit berbeza. Buddhisme mengambil baru lahir ke biara di mana rahib sing anak dan beri nama. Ketika seorang anak dilahirkan sebagai Hindu dan menjadi ayah, hari yang sama, memasukkan cincin emas terhadap anak bibir dan berkata: Mei hidup Anda adalah sebagai mahal sebagai emas. Akan tergantung pada baik pemikiran, ucapan, dan melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan.† Agama Hindu memiliki dua upacara lainnya yang kurang dirayakan oleh penganut Buddha. Salah satu adalah haircut upacara, ia datang kebanyakan anak laki-laki dan berarti antara 1 dan 5 tahun, mereka harus mencukur kepala mereka dan dengan lubricated yoghurt dari sapi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencuci diri setiap karma buruk dari kehidupan sebelumnya. Yang kedua adalah upacara suci thread upacara, ini hanya berlaku untuk Castes tinggi, dan ini sebagai salah satu jenis konfirmasi. Anak harus berjanji untuk tidak berhubungan seks se belum menikah, untuk memenuhi tugas-tugas mereka kepada tuhan, orang tua dan guru agama mereka. Sebagai bukti janji menempatkan persten yang terjalin melalui kawat bahu kiri , kemudian ke gantung secara diagonal di seluruh dada dan di bawah tangan kanan. Setelah upacara termasuk anak sebagai orang dewasa. Terkait dengan ini, ada semacam konfirmasi juga dalam Buddhisme. Ianya adat agar anak laki-laki lanjut dalam biara ketika mereka mencapai remaja, perempuan adalah hal yang sama, tetapi ketika sebuah biara. Ketika seorang penganut Hindu mendekati kematian, dia ingin mengunjungi situs kudus. Dia meninggalkan keluarganya dan menjadi rahib. Sebaiknya semua, ia ingin ada abu-Nya tersebar di sungai Ganges suci.Penganut Buddha yang ingin menghabiskan akhir minggu di biara. Ini disebabkan oleh mereka berfikir bahawa saat kematian dapat menjadi mendapat penerangan. Untuk mencapai pencerahan dalam Buddhisme, harus hidup dalam dan berkonsentrasi monasteries semua kehidupan mereka untuk mencapai nirvana. Hindu ada hanya empat tahapan yang harus mereka melalui, mereka juga harus hidup kehidupan yang baik. Persamaan antara agama Hindu dan Buddha Terdapat juga beberapa kesamaan antara kedua-dua agama. Kedua-dua agama percaya reinkarnasi, bahawa kita dilahirkan kembali dalam tubuh yang lain. Menurut agama Hindu, yang di dalam jiwa manusia dari sapi sambil menunggu sebuah tubuh. Ia adalah salah satu alasan mengapa ia sangat sakral. Kedua-dua agama juga percaya bahawa ada jalan keluar dari siklus ini, tetapi ada jalan mereka sedikit berbeza. Hindu memiliki dokumen ertinya, pengetahuan, jalan, jalan umum dan didedikasikan drill jalan. Mereka juga memiliki dua aturan bahawa setiap orang harus hidup, mencedera apapun atau membunuh makhluk hidup dan menunjukkan kasih kepada semua ciptaan. Buddha masyarakat yang hidup setelah delapan jalur jalan dimana delapan melambangkan sebuah roda. Mereka memiliki empat macam kebenaran, kebenaran tentang penderitaan, kebenaran mengenai asal usul penderitaan, kebenaran mengenai bantuan dari penderitaan dan kebenaran dari delapan jalur. Dari segi geografi pula, kedua-dua agama memiliki kedudukan mereka di Asia. Buddhisme telah menyebar ke termasuk Tibet, Cina, Korea, Jepang dan lain-lainnya. Hinduisme pula memiliki akar di India dan sekitarnya. Kedua-dua agama Hindu dan Buddha,selepas seseorang mati, ahli keluarga mereka akan menggunakan cara pembakaran mayat. Hindu berdandan yang mati dalam pakaian bagus sebelum mereka membakar dia, gigi anak yang tertua. Mereka lebih memilih untuk menerima semua mereka abu tersebar di Ganges pada personon tidak di Ganges menyebarkan abu di sungai terdekat. Penganut Buddha pula dibakar dengan upacara tertentu. Rahib, teman dan ahli keluarga akan termasuk dalam upacara. Kesimpulan Buddha adalah benar sama rata kepada semua. Setiap lapisan masyarakat tidak kira kaya atau miskin, semuanya dianggap sama rata dalam mata Buddha. Agama Buddha tidak mengabaikan agama lain atau mengutuk agama lain sebagai agama jahat. Dalam ajaran agama Buddha, kenyataan dan ilmu yang diajar bukannya perintah yang mestinya dituruti. Sesiapa yang tidak faham boleh mengemukakan soalannya dan soalan ini akan dijelaskan sehingga mencapai kefahamannya. Buddha pernah berkata: Keraguan yang besar akan mendapat lebih banyak pengajaran, keraguan yang sedikit akan mendapat pengajaran yang sedikit, manakala jika tiada keraguan, maka tiada pengajaran yang boleh dicapai. Lampiran Patung Sidharta Gautama di Candi Borobudur Indonesia. Tempat penyembahan umat buddha di Jepun Patung emas Sidharta Gautama di Filiphina Rujukan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Kodak Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eastman Kodak Eastman Kodak went through a considerable transformation change since it was founded. The organization structure at Eastman Kodak was a typical classical hierarchy with the CEO overlooking the entire organization. Later in 1984, the company went through a transformation change in which it was reorganized into 29 separate business units grouped into four lines of business. It included Photography (PPG), Commercial and Imaging Group (CIG), Chemicals (EC), and Health (HG) and three international segments. Each group operated under its own general manager. Later again in 1988, Eastman Kodak launched an Information Systems Department (ISD) which was responsible for development of business applications and management of small-scale computer network operations. After going through change management organization, Eastman Kodak made alliances with IBM, DEC and Business Land. The new organization consisted of three distinct organization entities: Kodak’s Corporate IS organization; Kodak’s Business Group/ Business Unit IS organizations and the Alliance organization. The strategic stand during the transformation change at the beginning was focused on downsizing its business core units by cutting employment by 10%. Cutting costs was also a priority as they moved to outsourcing of some of its business processes, especially in the IT area if it met its core function of the company or if there was value in it. ISD was responsible for management of large data centers and voice and data communications. Eastman Kodak had its own IT management department that supported services that were not outsourced. The type of culture that existed at Eastman Kodak was also transformed significantly. The major change was when part of its business processes was outsourced to other companies because employees had to adapt to whole new environment even though it was not a total change. Employees that had worked for Eastman Kodak for years are the ones that may have been affected most because they probably were used to the hierarchical type of leadership. I think organization structure is the one that must have had an impact on other elements like IT because mainly after outsourcing some of its services. It meant that whatever decision these other element make or change, they had to consider the new allied division so to make sure its strategies a... ...asing a pc for a Kodak end user. The advice I would give Hudson concerning long-term management of Eastman Kodak’s networked IS organization is that she would want to consider automating the business processes with the Alliance organizations if they plan on outsourcing their services for over a long period of time. The benefit would be cost reduction time wise and faster service and product to customers. Some of the processes I noted are used on their websites (, for example, delivering pictures to customers through email. I think, as a company grows bigger, like Eastman Kodak has, its business processes become complex, and in this case, its complexity includes outsourced services. I think Eastman Kodak can benefit from this and so can the allied partners. An example is given in the case over service deliver process in which it says, â€Å"a Kodak end user acquiring a personal computer from Business Land had to contact not only Business Land but also IBM to establish a mainframe account, and DEC to install network connections.† I think there are processes that have not been realized yet that can be supported by an automated system but can only be realized as time passes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Depression Essay -- essays research papers fc

People suffering from depression experience a lasting and continuously depressed mood that interferes with the ability to function, feel pleasure, and even maintain interest in life. The occasional feeling of being â€Å"blue† does not usually cause a downward spiral into depression. People suffering from major depressive episodes may feel so fatigued that they cannot go to work, school, or even do the simple things we take for granted. They may sleep day and night, have problems concentrating, and feel so deeply sad and guilty. This could lead to infinite thoughts of suicide. Thus showing that depression has an effect on a person’s mind and personal life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When depression ends, most people return to a â€Å"normal† emotional level. In some cases, however, people rebound to the opposite state, also known as, â€Å"mania.† The spectrum of manic symptoms can be quite severe, ranging from cyclothymia to severe delusional mania. Cyclothymia, which usually starts in the adolescent years or early adulthood, is also known as fluctuations of mood between mild elation and depression (Daly 1997). The most common form of manic depression is the bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by clinically marked mood swings between mania and depression (Daly 1997). These forms of manic depression are obtained in many ways. They can be passed on generation to generation within a family. It can also be obtained through the use of drugs as well as alcohol. Yet, one of the major causes for mania is neurological lesions or other states affecting the brain (Daly 1997).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When a person is diagnosed with manic depression, he or she will have certain outbreaks and episodes that range in severity and outcome. Clinical description and diagnosis of a manic depressant may begin abruptly, over the space of a few hours or days, or gradually over some weeks. The subjective experience of mania in its minor form usually includes heightened feelings of well being with increased alertness and drive, inflated self-esteem, and expansive sociability (Daly 1997). In addition to the increased sense, irritability may easily be evoked, and other mood states such as anxiety or sadness, brief but intensely expressed, may become apparent (Daly 1997). As mania deepens, over-activity and excessive talkativeness become more obvious. These are the signs of... ...tection or out of consideration for others (Gonzalez-Heydrich 1996).† As we grow older our minds expand. Depression can set in at an early point in your life or late into it. Traumatic episodes and even thoughts can play a role in the dilemma of depression. This disease can be controlled, yet think about those who cannot afford the treatment. Who do they turn to? They are going to live the rest of their lives in an altered state of depression forever. Works Cited Croghan, W. Thomas, Obenchain, L. Robert, and Crown E. William. July 1998. What does Treatment of Depression really Cost? Health Affairs. Daly, Ian. Mania. Lancet 1997:349 (9059): 1157-1160. Gonzalez-Heydrich, Joseph. The Depresses Child and Adolescent: Development and Clinical Perspectives. N Engl J Med; 334: 1410-1411. Hirschfeld, M.A. Robert, & Russell M., James. 1997. Current Concepts: Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Patients. N Engl J Med; 337: 910-915. Partonen, Timo, & Lonnqvist, Jouko. 1998. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Lancet 1998; 352 (9137):1369-1374. Price, H. Lawerence, & Heninger, R. George. 1994. Drug Therapy: Lithium in the Treatment of Mood Disorders. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: 591-598.